Gee, must be doing something right. Got several new sg friends in the past week, plus nine, count them nine, posts on my previous blog!
Anyway, still in Thailand, though returning to Australia soon for xmas. Here are a few more pics of xmas cheer in the land of Buddha. I did not realise just how prevalent xmas was. People swap presents, do stuff, eat & drink, all for a fourth century xianian saint. Go figure, plus of course, commerce. Anyway, here in Thailand are all the trappings of xmas to be found.
A few more pics.
An angel, selling stuff, in Thailand
Best wishes for the new year.
A tree and flying things.
Two pretty girls and a promo for cars.
Some pretty girls ready to do a song and dance routine.
More pretty girls, practising their routine.
Mc Santa
Ready to talk to you!
A bus parked in front of my hotel, blasting out loud music, and in homage to Iron Man, Tony Stark. Lomo effect.
Non-lomo bus.
Iron Man

Anyway, still in Thailand, though returning to Australia soon for xmas. Here are a few more pics of xmas cheer in the land of Buddha. I did not realise just how prevalent xmas was. People swap presents, do stuff, eat & drink, all for a fourth century xianian saint. Go figure, plus of course, commerce. Anyway, here in Thailand are all the trappings of xmas to be found.
A few more pics.
An angel, selling stuff, in Thailand

Best wishes for the new year.

A tree and flying things.

Two pretty girls and a promo for cars.

Some pretty girls ready to do a song and dance routine.

More pretty girls, practising their routine.

Mc Santa

Ready to talk to you!

A bus parked in front of my hotel, blasting out loud music, and in homage to Iron Man, Tony Stark. Lomo effect.

Non-lomo bus.

Iron Man

Thanks man, it sure does suck when you realize "oh crap, I'm old". Hahaha
Thank you hahah wacking off for girls isn't that hard. We know how to do it, we just need the right gear to reach places