It has been a while, but here is a new blog post. Not sure who is going to read this, but I cannot blame anyone for not reading. My later posts were not that exciting, and it has been quiet a while, as I stated earlier. However, here it is.
Still in Thailand, been travelling in south east asia for the past few months: Malaysia, Sing and Thailand. All interesting, all fun. Did not return to Australia for xmas this year! First time in my life xmas without the family! Not as exciting as I thought, and I found I missed the fam more than I thought that I would. My nephews muchly.
My plans for the next few months are a little confused, head south to Phils or north to China? A friend of mine is teaching in C, and asked me to visit. Have not been so why not? But I would like to visit the Phils? I will give this question some thought.
A few random snaps from my travels:

Still in Thailand, been travelling in south east asia for the past few months: Malaysia, Sing and Thailand. All interesting, all fun. Did not return to Australia for xmas this year! First time in my life xmas without the family! Not as exciting as I thought, and I found I missed the fam more than I thought that I would. My nephews muchly.
My plans for the next few months are a little confused, head south to Phils or north to China? A friend of mine is teaching in C, and asked me to visit. Have not been so why not? But I would like to visit the Phils? I will give this question some thought.
A few random snaps from my travels:

i always wanto to meet Thailand