I am getting a root canal down in Pattaya. No, this is not some complex form of sexual dalliance. Here the word 'root' refers to the nerve of my tooth. Apparently, this nerve is sick, infected with something infectious, and it has to go! Yikes. I find that as I get older I like less and less the idea of losing any bits of me. And, we are talking root canal.
This is like 2x 1 hour plus visits to the dentist. Sitting in a chair while a stranger carves and slices my good self. Yikes. The one good thing is that in Pattaya, in a 'tourist' dentist, the cost is ~$200 per tooth, while in the land of Oz it is ~$1500 (usa dollars or ozi dollars, now about the same, hehe).
I have sent my xrays to my dentist in Australia for a 2nd opinion, but the tooth is ahurting, something is wrong, and so something must be done.
My scheduled first visit is on the 9th November. Here's hoping no complications!

I am getting a root canal down in Pattaya. No, this is not some complex form of sexual dalliance. Here the word 'root' refers to the nerve of my tooth. Apparently, this nerve is sick, infected with something infectious, and it has to go! Yikes. I find that as I get older I like less and less the idea of losing any bits of me. And, we are talking root canal.
This is like 2x 1 hour plus visits to the dentist. Sitting in a chair while a stranger carves and slices my good self. Yikes. The one good thing is that in Pattaya, in a 'tourist' dentist, the cost is ~$200 per tooth, while in the land of Oz it is ~$1500 (usa dollars or ozi dollars, now about the same, hehe).
I have sent my xrays to my dentist in Australia for a 2nd opinion, but the tooth is ahurting, something is wrong, and so something must be done.
My scheduled first visit is on the 9th November. Here's hoping no complications!

Oops. maybe I shouldn't be telling you that at this time? Will your dentist put you out during the procedure? Mine doesn't do that. Maybe it's time for me to find one that does.