Here we go, a new post (not that that many people read them, but what the hey!)
I sit here in the rapidly approaching Australian winter (that is southern Aust --- Aust is tall enough to have different climates in the north and south parts of the country ---- just in case you did not know that). I do not like the cold. Up until a month ago I regularly went on long night walks, listening to podcasts on my iphone, gazing up at the stars, and thinking not very deep thoughts. Now, it is just a little too chilly to be really enjoyable. I will keep going to the gym, but a night walk is fun.
I spent last year in south east Asia, lots of fun, and one big difference is the lack of seasonal change. Each day is the same length as the previous, there is no great temperature variation, and things are the same. It is amazing to come back to oz and experience big seasonal swings.
Australia -- I will be leaving soon, back to SEA (south east Asia), I will not be missing. Australia is a peaceful and prosperous country, and also just a little (maybe a lot) boring. It is a country designed for middle-class, married people, to spend their time going to work and raising kids. Who can complain about that?
I sit here in the rapidly approaching Australian winter (that is southern Aust --- Aust is tall enough to have different climates in the north and south parts of the country ---- just in case you did not know that). I do not like the cold. Up until a month ago I regularly went on long night walks, listening to podcasts on my iphone, gazing up at the stars, and thinking not very deep thoughts. Now, it is just a little too chilly to be really enjoyable. I will keep going to the gym, but a night walk is fun.
I spent last year in south east Asia, lots of fun, and one big difference is the lack of seasonal change. Each day is the same length as the previous, there is no great temperature variation, and things are the same. It is amazing to come back to oz and experience big seasonal swings.
Australia -- I will be leaving soon, back to SEA (south east Asia), I will not be missing. Australia is a peaceful and prosperous country, and also just a little (maybe a lot) boring. It is a country designed for middle-class, married people, to spend their time going to work and raising kids. Who can complain about that?
that would be so awesome
thanks for ur lovely comment!