Okay, with a new Avatar comes a new perspective. I am branching out and and away from the house more and more as of late. My new girlfriend is pretty damm dreamy. I think there is no other like her. I also found out the Karma wraps her loving arms around me and keeps my ex's in loads of torment long after they have moved on. Let's recap the tales of vengence and retribution that Lady Karma has wreaked upon the ranks of the Heart smashers in my life.
1. My first real GF. She cheated on me with a guy who I couldn't beat up. Then she got married only to find out the she could not have kids.
2. My second major one. I was in the military and went on deployment, Came back only to find her not waiting for me on the dock. She was shacked up with a cool art student. She now lives in Boston, works for the phone company and has 4 kids. (From rumors that I hear she is terribly unhappy)
3. My Fla beach bunny. This is where Mother Karma starts to really get nasty. I came home from duty one morning to catch her in the bed with Surfer Sean. Now I know that everyone says "well i'd have just whooped that fellers ass"... in hindsight I can say that too but in the real world, you just kind of sit there stunned. I actually left. Well Lady Karma reared her beautiful face and smote her low. She got in a car accident, shattered her ankle and gained 150 lbs in the healing process tipping the scales at 250 by the end of it. She used to be 110, 5.8" blonde and tanned at the beach everyday. She then married some guy who beat the teetoalling stuffing out of her every night. She hates life.
4. My ex fiance. 3 years after we got together, we were engaged and she "developed" feeling for a client of hers. we split up and Karma the everloving took over. She ended up marrying a Papa Johns Pizza driver who didn't have a car (????) and ended up delivering Pizzas in the BMW convertible we bought together after trading my car in for her. I think she now has a kid and a divorce under her belt. Go girl.
and 5. My latest ex, the one who had me in stitches for long periods of time. SHE now is married to a psycho guy who checks her phone records, terrorizes her daughter and her to the point that her co-workers have a pool going as to when he is going to hit her. But thats not going to be too soon in coming since he got shipped off to Afghanistan last month. She then cut off all her hair and started crying cause it made her look like a Football. (exact words). So now she has a second marriage to another loser guy (her first was Captain loser) who is abusive and will come back from the war much more abusive than he went away. She married him for the free Military ride. Boy i'm glad I didnt marry her now.
So let this be a lesson to all out there who would think to harm me, Don't do it. Karma is my lover and we get it on every night. Can't say a single bad thing about my new GF though. Been together for over 7 months now in one for or another and not one arguement. Hows that for cool.
New attitude and stil no response for the Tiger. New significant others keep everyone away it seems. Myself included. Sleep tight Tigerlili and may your boy never do you wrong, cause i'll kill him
1. My first real GF. She cheated on me with a guy who I couldn't beat up. Then she got married only to find out the she could not have kids.
2. My second major one. I was in the military and went on deployment, Came back only to find her not waiting for me on the dock. She was shacked up with a cool art student. She now lives in Boston, works for the phone company and has 4 kids. (From rumors that I hear she is terribly unhappy)
3. My Fla beach bunny. This is where Mother Karma starts to really get nasty. I came home from duty one morning to catch her in the bed with Surfer Sean. Now I know that everyone says "well i'd have just whooped that fellers ass"... in hindsight I can say that too but in the real world, you just kind of sit there stunned. I actually left. Well Lady Karma reared her beautiful face and smote her low. She got in a car accident, shattered her ankle and gained 150 lbs in the healing process tipping the scales at 250 by the end of it. She used to be 110, 5.8" blonde and tanned at the beach everyday. She then married some guy who beat the teetoalling stuffing out of her every night. She hates life.
4. My ex fiance. 3 years after we got together, we were engaged and she "developed" feeling for a client of hers. we split up and Karma the everloving took over. She ended up marrying a Papa Johns Pizza driver who didn't have a car (????) and ended up delivering Pizzas in the BMW convertible we bought together after trading my car in for her. I think she now has a kid and a divorce under her belt. Go girl.
and 5. My latest ex, the one who had me in stitches for long periods of time. SHE now is married to a psycho guy who checks her phone records, terrorizes her daughter and her to the point that her co-workers have a pool going as to when he is going to hit her. But thats not going to be too soon in coming since he got shipped off to Afghanistan last month. She then cut off all her hair and started crying cause it made her look like a Football. (exact words). So now she has a second marriage to another loser guy (her first was Captain loser) who is abusive and will come back from the war much more abusive than he went away. She married him for the free Military ride. Boy i'm glad I didnt marry her now.
So let this be a lesson to all out there who would think to harm me, Don't do it. Karma is my lover and we get it on every night. Can't say a single bad thing about my new GF though. Been together for over 7 months now in one for or another and not one arguement. Hows that for cool.
New attitude and stil no response for the Tiger. New significant others keep everyone away it seems. Myself included. Sleep tight Tigerlili and may your boy never do you wrong, cause i'll kill him

ok not really. he's only 51.
i can't vouch for your exes, but it does seem like YOUR good karma comes from having a sweet heart.
and i haven't been around because life's been a bit of a roller coaster lately and i just haven't had the wherewithall.
but things ARE good with the boy.
and there's a slight chance my bellydance troupe will be coming to tennesee to teach workshops in the fall!