K it's me time.
Things in my life are strangely complacent. I am finally over the ex, who is getting married to a guy who is getting shipped to Afghanistan and may be already gone. She dumped me because I was gone for 6 weeks a year. He's gone 52 weeks out of a 52 week year. Hows that for wishy washy. She did it for the military insurance and his money cause he sends it home straight to her. Nothing like an Insurance whore. Gotta love em.
Other than that, I find strange satisfaction in not having pangs of despair everytime I think about her. Never thought this day would happen but here it is.
As for other things, I am getting increasingly distraught with people. People in general are fucked. They are rude, crude, self centered assholes that would rather pick up a penny rather than help you if you fall. On top of that we have a Gestapo like government that wants to limit all free thinking and free movement. Don't believe me, check out the Patriot act. Thats the first step. Yes in the Patriot act the government can check you out for really no reason. They can pull bank records, library records, internets logs, tap your phone and just about stick a camara in your toilet so they can watch you shit out suspected terrorism.
Not I have run across people that believe that the Patriot act is a good thing. "Well if you are innocent then you have nothing to worry about" is the best one I hear. Well lets see. What happens if you get picked up by the government. "Well if I am innocent then I have nothing to worry about" Right you are!!!!! but you can not worry about it for the length of time it takes Uncle George to figure out that you are innocent. Which may be 1 day, 1 month or hell even a year or more. Don't believe me, take a look at Guantanamo. Some of them been down there for 2 years or more AND some are under the age of 15. So yea you can be innocent all damm day but when you walk out of Uncle Georges house of ill Repute you will have no job, no money, no house, no car, no pets if you had any when you went int cause this ain't no traffic stop. They can and will hold you as long as you want. So innocent or not, your life is fucked. Not to mention your good name getting drug through every newspaper form her to Botswana. You may be innocent, proven innocent but Old man Hopkins and his pals at the Andy Griffith memorial barber shop in Asscrackville USA are gonna link your name with every terrorist thing that happens from here to St Smithins day. And so is everyone else. Plus let's add that this Patriot act goes against the very constitution it is supposed to be protecting. "but the Government is trying to protect us Mr Eyesquader" Well miss blonde ambition, you can't protect seomethign by violating everything it stands for. Doesn't work that way.
So what are we to do about these things in society that plague the very foundations of decency and our beloved constitution? Nothing, what can you do. Every candidate for President is a class clown. The race for any seat of government has boiled down to who's the lesser of the evils. What devil is going to give my baby the best lollipop. Let's get this out, politicians don't give a shit about you or me. They will say whatever it takes to get your support. Then when they get in the seat, pfft all that goes kaputski.
As for people. I have come to the conclusion that I hate the everyday world. I work in retail as part time and I have seen shit in the past couple of months that will make you vomit. Especially old women. I don't hit women, don't condone it or anything but if I ever did hit one, it would be an upper middle class 60 year old blue haired bag of nastiness. Those wrinkle bombs are capable of 10 times more vile language than your average sailor on a weekend in Singapore. I was in the Navy 4 years and haven't heard that kind of language. And all over a Gift card. How silly can you get. There needs to be a law against them driving not only because they are shitty drivers but to keep them away from the mall so they can't infect the rest of the population with the aliens that they breed inside those jowls.
Ok thats my rant. I'm tired and I want to think about hot herbal tea and string cheese.
Things in my life are strangely complacent. I am finally over the ex, who is getting married to a guy who is getting shipped to Afghanistan and may be already gone. She dumped me because I was gone for 6 weeks a year. He's gone 52 weeks out of a 52 week year. Hows that for wishy washy. She did it for the military insurance and his money cause he sends it home straight to her. Nothing like an Insurance whore. Gotta love em.
Other than that, I find strange satisfaction in not having pangs of despair everytime I think about her. Never thought this day would happen but here it is.
As for other things, I am getting increasingly distraught with people. People in general are fucked. They are rude, crude, self centered assholes that would rather pick up a penny rather than help you if you fall. On top of that we have a Gestapo like government that wants to limit all free thinking and free movement. Don't believe me, check out the Patriot act. Thats the first step. Yes in the Patriot act the government can check you out for really no reason. They can pull bank records, library records, internets logs, tap your phone and just about stick a camara in your toilet so they can watch you shit out suspected terrorism.
Not I have run across people that believe that the Patriot act is a good thing. "Well if you are innocent then you have nothing to worry about" is the best one I hear. Well lets see. What happens if you get picked up by the government. "Well if I am innocent then I have nothing to worry about" Right you are!!!!! but you can not worry about it for the length of time it takes Uncle George to figure out that you are innocent. Which may be 1 day, 1 month or hell even a year or more. Don't believe me, take a look at Guantanamo. Some of them been down there for 2 years or more AND some are under the age of 15. So yea you can be innocent all damm day but when you walk out of Uncle Georges house of ill Repute you will have no job, no money, no house, no car, no pets if you had any when you went int cause this ain't no traffic stop. They can and will hold you as long as you want. So innocent or not, your life is fucked. Not to mention your good name getting drug through every newspaper form her to Botswana. You may be innocent, proven innocent but Old man Hopkins and his pals at the Andy Griffith memorial barber shop in Asscrackville USA are gonna link your name with every terrorist thing that happens from here to St Smithins day. And so is everyone else. Plus let's add that this Patriot act goes against the very constitution it is supposed to be protecting. "but the Government is trying to protect us Mr Eyesquader" Well miss blonde ambition, you can't protect seomethign by violating everything it stands for. Doesn't work that way.
So what are we to do about these things in society that plague the very foundations of decency and our beloved constitution? Nothing, what can you do. Every candidate for President is a class clown. The race for any seat of government has boiled down to who's the lesser of the evils. What devil is going to give my baby the best lollipop. Let's get this out, politicians don't give a shit about you or me. They will say whatever it takes to get your support. Then when they get in the seat, pfft all that goes kaputski.
As for people. I have come to the conclusion that I hate the everyday world. I work in retail as part time and I have seen shit in the past couple of months that will make you vomit. Especially old women. I don't hit women, don't condone it or anything but if I ever did hit one, it would be an upper middle class 60 year old blue haired bag of nastiness. Those wrinkle bombs are capable of 10 times more vile language than your average sailor on a weekend in Singapore. I was in the Navy 4 years and haven't heard that kind of language. And all over a Gift card. How silly can you get. There needs to be a law against them driving not only because they are shitty drivers but to keep them away from the mall so they can't infect the rest of the population with the aliens that they breed inside those jowls.
Ok thats my rant. I'm tired and I want to think about hot herbal tea and string cheese.
oh god. get out of retail now. it made me hate people too. i have a hard tiime not getting on the 'people suck' train. shit like the pat. act pisses me off, but what gets me even more is the blind obliteration of nature...it rips my heart out.
i try to remember that most people are just ignorant, and that it's incredibly difficult to be aware in this country. and to remember that it's really hard for all of us to be human...it's not an easy job. but just quit shitting all over my planet!
and thank YOU for the you journal...this is the good stuff.
When you coming down this way again?