Ok back again with another 2 movies to review. One is a new one and the other one is on video. I normally dont review the rentals but this one was so horrible, I couldnt resist.
Master and Commander.
The previews do not do the justice that I think that film deserves. This movie is about a sea captain that has orders to go and hunt down a French ship and take her. Now we all dont like the French at this point but apparently Napoleon didnt much care for them either. So with orders in hand he sets out to go and do his duty. After some daring seamanship and some really great acting, this movie left a good taste in my mouth. Awesome acting and great period costumes, ships and weapons. Captain Kickass and his crew of roughnecks manage to be freaking terrors and still make you all warm and fuzzy inside. Everyone go see this movie. You wont be let down.
I give this one a 10.
aking stunts were just so over the damm top that they all had to be computer
for kickass everything.
Now as there is always an opposite end to every spectrum, here it is.
Charlies angels full throttle.
This movie is soooo freaking bad, it doesnt even merit caps. This was the biggest pile of gay ass monkey shit that I have ever seen. It is even worse than that shitass zombie flick I almost died in a few months back. The acting is just deadly, the plot crap and the freaking stunts are so over the top that they all had to be computer generated. Freaking falling this and blowing up that and somehow in all this, 3 decent actresss manage to put skid marks worse than the morning after a Friday night at the Taco land on their resumes. This one just doesnt even damm make sense. I wanted to throw my TV out the window after watching this but wasnt strong enough after the mental beating my sense's took to even :move. For gods sake, do not get this one. There was a reason I didnt see the first one, it just looked too damm hokey. If it was any hokier than this one, I would tear out my liver with a spork. Stay well away from this one folks. Dont get suckered in by thinking that oh it cant be that bad, its got hot chicks in it. If you do, that line will be your doom.
I give this one a 10.
and one
because you will vomit until you die if you watch this one.
Thus ends the good the bad and the just plain sad.
On a more pleasant note, I went to the mountains today and found a VERY emaciated dog. He was so scared and tired. I took him right home and am going to nurse him back to health. Then I will find him a great home. He is a medium dog that looks like a cross between a Beagle and a Blue tick. AWESOME disposition and not food agressive.
Master and Commander.
The previews do not do the justice that I think that film deserves. This movie is about a sea captain that has orders to go and hunt down a French ship and take her. Now we all dont like the French at this point but apparently Napoleon didnt much care for them either. So with orders in hand he sets out to go and do his duty. After some daring seamanship and some really great acting, this movie left a good taste in my mouth. Awesome acting and great period costumes, ships and weapons. Captain Kickass and his crew of roughnecks manage to be freaking terrors and still make you all warm and fuzzy inside. Everyone go see this movie. You wont be let down.
I give this one a 10.
aking stunts were just so over the damm top that they all had to be computer

Now as there is always an opposite end to every spectrum, here it is.
Charlies angels full throttle.
This movie is soooo freaking bad, it doesnt even merit caps. This was the biggest pile of gay ass monkey shit that I have ever seen. It is even worse than that shitass zombie flick I almost died in a few months back. The acting is just deadly, the plot crap and the freaking stunts are so over the top that they all had to be computer generated. Freaking falling this and blowing up that and somehow in all this, 3 decent actresss manage to put skid marks worse than the morning after a Friday night at the Taco land on their resumes. This one just doesnt even damm make sense. I wanted to throw my TV out the window after watching this but wasnt strong enough after the mental beating my sense's took to even :move. For gods sake, do not get this one. There was a reason I didnt see the first one, it just looked too damm hokey. If it was any hokier than this one, I would tear out my liver with a spork. Stay well away from this one folks. Dont get suckered in by thinking that oh it cant be that bad, its got hot chicks in it. If you do, that line will be your doom.
I give this one a 10.

and one

Thus ends the good the bad and the just plain sad.
On a more pleasant note, I went to the mountains today and found a VERY emaciated dog. He was so scared and tired. I took him right home and am going to nurse him back to health. Then I will find him a great home. He is a medium dog that looks like a cross between a Beagle and a Blue tick. AWESOME disposition and not food agressive.

charlies angels WAS awful...they were playing it on the flight home from italy, and it was so bad i opted to be bored rather than finish watching it.
i'll write you back soon!
soymilk princess