K here we go. Nother movie review for a chick flick.
Love Actually.
Once again I was lured into seeing a girl movie. You know how that goes. It's the, "baby let's go see a movie" talk that you know will end with you sitting in some sap fest which alway's includes, but is not limited to, A, women bitching, B, kids making cute little snot faces and C, Dancing. For some reason the powers that be in Hollywood think that bitching women dancing with their equally screwed up children is somehow tear jerking and happiness inducing. I personally don't, so when it was brought to my attn that Love Actually was on the menu, I cringed. Not the kind of cringe you have when you see your grandmother naked but the kind of cringe when you see your grandFATHER naked. ~~shiver~~
So with weary head and heavy heart, I sat down with a tub o corn and prepared myself for the assault on my senses. When what to my wandering eyes should appear but BOOBS!!!. Wait was this the right movie? Why yes it was. I perked up. After that there were more boobs, carressing of boobs and other neato stuff. WOW this movie was great, awesome and I loved every minute of it. Hell I even cried. Yes, yank my man card but I shed a tear. Not the sad kind of tear but one of happiness at the airport scene. Anyone that doesn't shed one there, thinking that you would do the same for your kid, is just a terrorist.
It's about a bunch of lives that are somehow entwined with each other in way's that you find out as things go along, without really knowing you found out. A couple gets married but the friend is in love with the wife, a man loses a wife and worries about his son, another man has a half an affair and his wife all the way finds out about it and a couple more. The plot was good, the actors excellent. I don't remember one really bad acting moment in the entire thing.
I stayed interested and everything was great. Thank god someone in Asswood finally thought about the poor downtrodden boyfriend or husband that has to sit through Chick flick hell. It's not a pretty place and there are some deaths there.
I give this movie an 8
for the way they made it a man's/chick flick
For the boobs/carressing of boobs, simulated sex and some famous actress's boobs.
and finally
for making me believe that Hollywood sometimes breaks the B/S love story mold and makes something worth watching.
Guys, if you get wrangled into going to a movie and you feel that "vibe", you know the one where guns, tits and crooked cops just isn't gonna cut it. Blurt this one out. It will be music to her ears.
Reminds me of some advice that someone gave to me. It's not whether you care what she want's, it's that she thinks you care.
I don't follow that advice because I follow advice that is more real world.
Happy wife, Happy life
I'm not married and that's still the best advice, a little better than if it moves and isn't supposed to, use Duct tape. If it doesn't move and it's supposed to, use WD-40.
Words to live by.
Love Actually.
Once again I was lured into seeing a girl movie. You know how that goes. It's the, "baby let's go see a movie" talk that you know will end with you sitting in some sap fest which alway's includes, but is not limited to, A, women bitching, B, kids making cute little snot faces and C, Dancing. For some reason the powers that be in Hollywood think that bitching women dancing with their equally screwed up children is somehow tear jerking and happiness inducing. I personally don't, so when it was brought to my attn that Love Actually was on the menu, I cringed. Not the kind of cringe you have when you see your grandmother naked but the kind of cringe when you see your grandFATHER naked. ~~shiver~~
So with weary head and heavy heart, I sat down with a tub o corn and prepared myself for the assault on my senses. When what to my wandering eyes should appear but BOOBS!!!. Wait was this the right movie? Why yes it was. I perked up. After that there were more boobs, carressing of boobs and other neato stuff. WOW this movie was great, awesome and I loved every minute of it. Hell I even cried. Yes, yank my man card but I shed a tear. Not the sad kind of tear but one of happiness at the airport scene. Anyone that doesn't shed one there, thinking that you would do the same for your kid, is just a terrorist.
It's about a bunch of lives that are somehow entwined with each other in way's that you find out as things go along, without really knowing you found out. A couple gets married but the friend is in love with the wife, a man loses a wife and worries about his son, another man has a half an affair and his wife all the way finds out about it and a couple more. The plot was good, the actors excellent. I don't remember one really bad acting moment in the entire thing.
I stayed interested and everything was great. Thank god someone in Asswood finally thought about the poor downtrodden boyfriend or husband that has to sit through Chick flick hell. It's not a pretty place and there are some deaths there.
I give this movie an 8

and finally

Guys, if you get wrangled into going to a movie and you feel that "vibe", you know the one where guns, tits and crooked cops just isn't gonna cut it. Blurt this one out. It will be music to her ears.
Reminds me of some advice that someone gave to me. It's not whether you care what she want's, it's that she thinks you care.
I don't follow that advice because I follow advice that is more real world.
Happy wife, Happy life

I'm not married and that's still the best advice, a little better than if it moves and isn't supposed to, use Duct tape. If it doesn't move and it's supposed to, use WD-40.
Words to live by.
i'm about to go see pieces of april. i'll give you my review.
ok, i'll write another email.
so 'pieces of april' was actually REALLY good...especially for one of those 'family holiday disaster' dramas. but it was totally original and funny, and the main girl should be an s.g.
thanks for stickin up fer me e.s. ...where are ya when i need ya?