Well another movie under the belt. Got a different one for ya. Kill Bill.
Now this was an interesting one. Went in expecting something alot different than what I got. This movie had a fast start, good plot and alot of action. This one is for the Anime fans out there. Lots of Anime style action and 80's Kung Fu theatre. One thing it has is blood. Lots and lots of blood. I thought I was at a Gwar concert at times during this movie. Cool costumes and great scene decoration also contributed to this prettty good movie. Oh and let's not forget Lucy Lu. Freaking hot and a great actress. Which brings me to the things that I did not like. Shitty acting. Daryl Hannah = Vomit performance. This chick should have went down for good after splash. Think I have seen her in one other thing which she played a stripper in. Even that sucked. Nothing against ol Daryl but dear, you sucked. Nuff said. Also Uma Thurman, who happens to be on my top 10 list, managed to put in a less than par performance. I am sad about that because she can do much better. But in her's and in all the others defense, it is damm near impossible to make a live action movie as cool as an Anime. It cannot be done. In cartoons, anything goes. In the real world, well there is only so much that you can do with wires and special effects, o and crappy acting too. Characters in this movie were pretty shallow at times, it dragged on at spots and sometimes just had some plain out silliness in it. BUT, that is what it was supposed to be. The only thing is that it fell short of being a comedy AND fell short of being serious. Sort of like Terms of Endearment. We all know it's SUPPOSED to be serious but noone can take it that way without laughing. Also like a sex ed teacher. Same thing. So, my recommendation is as follows. Make this a movie to go see with a date in a non crowded theater. Make sure she doesn't mind roving hands and then sit back with a couple cokes, a bucket of popcorn and start groping cause the movie prolly wont hold you full attn in spots.
I rate this one a 7. Lot's of action, oceans of blood, cool sets, Lucy Lu and lots of violence but crappy acting, no boobs, Daryl Hannah and too long. Also I leave you with this question. How the hell can I take a pebble from your hand when you dont even make a flippin appearance in the movie? Never see David Carradine. Go figure.
Now this was an interesting one. Went in expecting something alot different than what I got. This movie had a fast start, good plot and alot of action. This one is for the Anime fans out there. Lots of Anime style action and 80's Kung Fu theatre. One thing it has is blood. Lots and lots of blood. I thought I was at a Gwar concert at times during this movie. Cool costumes and great scene decoration also contributed to this prettty good movie. Oh and let's not forget Lucy Lu. Freaking hot and a great actress. Which brings me to the things that I did not like. Shitty acting. Daryl Hannah = Vomit performance. This chick should have went down for good after splash. Think I have seen her in one other thing which she played a stripper in. Even that sucked. Nothing against ol Daryl but dear, you sucked. Nuff said. Also Uma Thurman, who happens to be on my top 10 list, managed to put in a less than par performance. I am sad about that because she can do much better. But in her's and in all the others defense, it is damm near impossible to make a live action movie as cool as an Anime. It cannot be done. In cartoons, anything goes. In the real world, well there is only so much that you can do with wires and special effects, o and crappy acting too. Characters in this movie were pretty shallow at times, it dragged on at spots and sometimes just had some plain out silliness in it. BUT, that is what it was supposed to be. The only thing is that it fell short of being a comedy AND fell short of being serious. Sort of like Terms of Endearment. We all know it's SUPPOSED to be serious but noone can take it that way without laughing. Also like a sex ed teacher. Same thing. So, my recommendation is as follows. Make this a movie to go see with a date in a non crowded theater. Make sure she doesn't mind roving hands and then sit back with a couple cokes, a bucket of popcorn and start groping cause the movie prolly wont hold you full attn in spots.
I rate this one a 7. Lot's of action, oceans of blood, cool sets, Lucy Lu and lots of violence but crappy acting, no boobs, Daryl Hannah and too long. Also I leave you with this question. How the hell can I take a pebble from your hand when you dont even make a flippin appearance in the movie? Never see David Carradine. Go figure.
