Home on a Saturday Night. Story of my life. I live in Fort Erie and nobody wants to be friends with me here. I think I scare the locals. I get "Yer not frum around here are ya?" (says in best hick accient) I have lived here for 10 months, you'd think with a population of 27,000 they would have seen me around by now? Guess not. As big of an outcast as I am here, I love it. I am surrounded by nature. We have deer that eat from our bird houses, lots of rabbits, different types of birds. Things that I used to take for granted when I lived in the city.
You're purtty...... Of course all canadians are!!! Glad to see that you are living your fantasies.
Ah wish i was somewhere like that. My local nature is the rabbit thats dead down my room
but then again thats what u get when u build a housing estate on a warren