~ Wow, the startling ignorance and bigotry of some people is breathtaking. And somewhat frightening, as her tone echoes Goebbels speaking about Jews, and we all know how well that turned out... In this day and age I find her attitude, frankly, disheartening.
"Sandy Gainesin reply to Cindi Runowski 3 days ago
'Take off the blinders Cindi Runowski, you are about to or maybe already have run in to a brick wall. You must be a true born left loon to see this evil muslim in the manner you do, because WE THE PEOPLE do not agree with your sugar coating. The only person as bad as he has been was the idiot one term Jimmy Carter. Aside from trying to legalize fake phag marriage, keeping the borders open to all terrorists and illegal criminal migrates and stealing our money for his gangland welfare loafers just exactly what has this empty suit accomplished? I do agree he has divided this nation to the point of near civil war and if he does get reelected, you can probably count on it. American needs AMERICAN leaders, not some half breed born evil muslim.'"

"Sandy Gainesin reply to Cindi Runowski 3 days ago
'Take off the blinders Cindi Runowski, you are about to or maybe already have run in to a brick wall. You must be a true born left loon to see this evil muslim in the manner you do, because WE THE PEOPLE do not agree with your sugar coating. The only person as bad as he has been was the idiot one term Jimmy Carter. Aside from trying to legalize fake phag marriage, keeping the borders open to all terrorists and illegal criminal migrates and stealing our money for his gangland welfare loafers just exactly what has this empty suit accomplished? I do agree he has divided this nation to the point of near civil war and if he does get reelected, you can probably count on it. American needs AMERICAN leaders, not some half breed born evil muslim.'"


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Jesus. Why can these people not stay under their rocks?