~ I've been out this week with a borrowed 8 in reflector, enjoying Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, the Orion Nebula, and comet Garradd. Saturn, Mars and Venus are just larger, brighter dots with the telescope. On the other hand, I can see four of Jupiter's moons and three dim belts! It's very cool that thery're all out there and well visible to the naked eye! Orion's Nebula is bright but fuzzy, it's almost more satisfying with my binos. And while it's sort of exciting to say I saw a comet, I can only see Garradd as a dim fuzzy spot, and only if I use side vision.
~ So there's the 'Splicetronomy report for the week!

Comet Garradd

~ So there's the 'Splicetronomy report for the week!

Comet Garradd

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