I've been gone so long, that I'm kinda surprised that I haven't been dropped of everyone's friend list.
Well Germany was well... nice. Everytime I'm over there, it strikes me how stressesful people can make their own lives. Upon reflection I always appreciate my lifestyle here in slow, boring Perth that bit more.
And never have I met a more concentrated bunch of small-minded people....
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Well Germany was well... nice. Everytime I'm over there, it strikes me how stressesful people can make their own lives. Upon reflection I always appreciate my lifestyle here in slow, boring Perth that bit more.
And never have I met a more concentrated bunch of small-minded people....
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Ok, this is gonna be short and sweet...
I'm off to Switzerland for 6 weeks.
~ EyesOnly ~
I'm off to Switzerland for 6 weeks.

~ EyesOnly ~
this is a really, really late thank you for your birthday greeting.
this is a really, really late thank you for your birthday greeting.
I've been gone for far too long.
Seriously, I've been overwhelmed with work and I had go cold turkey with some of my more time consuming vices.
Sorry for dropping of the face of the planet like that.
I'm off to Europe on the 21st for about six weeks to do the whole family deal thing again so I'll be escaping the Aussie wet season....
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Seriously, I've been overwhelmed with work and I had go cold turkey with some of my more time consuming vices.
Sorry for dropping of the face of the planet like that.
I'm off to Europe on the 21st for about six weeks to do the whole family deal thing again so I'll be escaping the Aussie wet season....
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I thought I knew plenty of nut cases, but when I put my mind to it no one really stands out. So I was wrong.
Glad you like the music. I promise to make more.
Glad you like the music. I promise to make more.
Cheers, I didn't make any wishes, but the Cubs won, so that's good enough for me.
My life this week = 75% Work + 25% Sleep. Sorry, I haven't been around much.
Tonight is the SG Hookup for us members here in Western Australia. That should be fun.
I had a dream the other night. Or was it a vision. Well, anyway Yoda appeared in my dream and I asked him if I was ready to become a jedi padawan (student,...
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Tonight is the SG Hookup for us members here in Western Australia. That should be fun.
I had a dream the other night. Or was it a vision. Well, anyway Yoda appeared in my dream and I asked him if I was ready to become a jedi padawan (student,...
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Get UnDead!
Get UnDead!
Has Knights of the Old Republic so consumed your life? I'll send someone over to slap you.
I watched the pilot episode to the ancient Hulk TV series, just for the nostalgia, I guess. I always think it is kinda funny when they bring out a new movie or something and then put the marketing engine to work and regurgitate all that ancient merchendize.
I'm having relatives from Switzerland stay over for the next month or so. I'll be showing then a...
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I'm having relatives from Switzerland stay over for the next month or so. I'll be showing then a...
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Yo, are you still alive? It's hookup time!
okedokey, hookup - 8pm the Moon and Sixpence Perth, Murray st in the front beer garden, I don't look like a tourist!

Kick me. I'm an idiot. 

I only kick a man when he's down. Easier to run away.
I'll kick you, man. But I have to warn you - I kick like a girl.
Drank too much Beer on Sat night. Slept in late. 6:42pm and the aftereffects are slowly subsiding.
Next time I stick to Vodka.
Still configuring my PC. There are 45 patches (
) for a fresh Win XP installation, and this includes Service Pack 1. I'm sure you wanted to know that. Maybe not. Does anyone care?
Just downloaded 10 Megs of virus updates. Now...
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Next time I stick to Vodka.
Still configuring my PC. There are 45 patches (

Just downloaded 10 Megs of virus updates. Now...
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People who cannot fall asleep update their journal at 3am.
My eyes hurt so this is all you get tonight.
My eyes hurt so this is all you get tonight.

Vodka does to me what beer has done to you!
I don't advocate drinking only one kind of beverage though...
but as the cliche goes - "You gotta go with what you know"
Well, sometimes.
Keep safe.
I don't advocate drinking only one kind of beverage though...
but as the cliche goes - "You gotta go with what you know"

Keep safe.
Dammit, three of my friends have gone grey.
I'll be posting more regularly from now on, but will rant less. Any objections?
Tonight I am a having a night on the town to celebrate a good friend's birthday.
Playing pool and drinking vodka.
My computer is full of crap, half installed software, not to mention adware (thanks Kazaa) and god knows what.
So today, I'm...
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I'll be posting more regularly from now on, but will rant less. Any objections?
Tonight I am a having a night on the town to celebrate a good friend's birthday.
Playing pool and drinking vodka.
My computer is full of crap, half installed software, not to mention adware (thanks Kazaa) and god knows what.
So today, I'm...
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, that's always fun re-installing everything. if you have it down to a fine art it doesn't take long.
btw BF stands for booking fee
anyway have fun

btw BF stands for booking fee
anyway have fun
I just posted an article about SG that appeared in the Jan 2004 Edition of Australian Black & White.
Read it here.
Well spotted, Ehren.
I have started work on my website in earnest.
And I'm back at the gym.
It's 1am and I should be sleeping.
Stuff I bought:
She who who dwells... by Sinead O'Connor (CD)
Soul Calibur 2 (PS2)...
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Read it here.
Well spotted, Ehren.
I have started work on my website in earnest.
And I'm back at the gym.
It's 1am and I should be sleeping.
Stuff I bought:
She who who dwells... by Sinead O'Connor (CD)
Soul Calibur 2 (PS2)...
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Dido_ romantic
I know the type all too well!
(I'm drinking 2nite, so I probannly wote in mi own journel or someone elses again, hic , hic,
I know the type all too well!
(I'm drinking 2nite, so I probannly wote in mi own journel or someone elses again, hic , hic,

1. Dammit, I have to pee again.
2. My hand is cold.
3. I swear I hear gunshots.
4. Or maybe a large hammer.
5. Sickness getting worse.
6. Work tonight -- suck.
7. Where are my keys?
2. My hand is cold.
3. I swear I hear gunshots.
4. Or maybe a large hammer.
5. Sickness getting worse.
6. Work tonight -- suck.
7. Where are my keys?
It's about time I updated my journal. Time just flies when you're having fun. And I have been having fun. Well, sort of.
0. What happened to SelenaKyle? Selena, if you read this, come back to us.
1. The weekend turned out to be pretty much of a non event. I was planning to do a two day course in Swedish Massage,
but something...
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0. What happened to SelenaKyle? Selena, if you read this, come back to us.
1. The weekend turned out to be pretty much of a non event. I was planning to do a two day course in Swedish Massage,

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Hi, how are you?

thank you for the excellent poem. that rocked my world.
xoxo zoe xoxo
xoxo zoe xoxo

Friday: Friend came over. Played True Crime on PS2. Watched some first season X-Files. Drank Vodka. Can't recall anything after that. Nuff said.
Saturday: Recovery. I went to see Kill Bill again. The DVD is already on my shopping list.
If you have not seen Kill Bill, stop whatever you are doing right now and see it. Before it is too late!!!
Sunday: Work is...
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Saturday: Recovery. I went to see Kill Bill again. The DVD is already on my shopping list.
If you have not seen Kill Bill, stop whatever you are doing right now and see it. Before it is too late!!!
Sunday: Work is...
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I have nothing interesting to say. Oh, I did make over $100 tonight and no, it wasn't from my usual hooker-ing.
Gotta love the service industry.
Gotta love the service industry.
oh fuck did i not add u..sorry this thing is messing with me...trust me to fuck up, apparently i cant get alot of ppl back on my list, i'll see wahts up
I've been incredibly busy, so I haven't been around for the last week or so. Sorry. Let's just say the other aspects of my life finally caught up with me.
Halloween was a blast. I don't drink (much) beer, but I drink Vodka like other people drink water.
I dyed my hair black, got myself a black trenchcoat and some guns and went at Neo....
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Halloween was a blast. I don't drink (much) beer, but I drink Vodka like other people drink water.

I dyed my hair black, got myself a black trenchcoat and some guns and went at Neo....
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Oh yeah I remember Highlander now. My mom used to watch the tv show...buhbye
The web site was made by me, dangerobby, maker of that website.
The vodka should be put down, and frowned upon. As should blatant Dune ripoff Matrix Revolutions (hell, even Reloaded was a Dune ripoff). On ly Revolutions ripped off Dune Messiah more.
The vodka should be put down, and frowned upon. As should blatant Dune ripoff Matrix Revolutions (hell, even Reloaded was a Dune ripoff). On ly Revolutions ripped off Dune Messiah more.
I'm worried that my sister's trying to wind back the clock, though.