That video is pretty fucking beautiful, by the way. You should go back and watch it. (And sit through the long introduction containing nothing.) it was a really small venue. My brother and I were able to sneak around the side and got...
...this close.
Next up are Wilco, Social D and the Two Gallants.
Irish Lent is around the corner. 40(ish) days of self inflicted pain and guilt. Read on if you are bored:
and to commemorate this festive season, my favorite poem discussing the issue.
A Drunken Man's Praise Of Sobriety
COME swish around, my pretty punk,
And keep me dancing still
That I may stay a sober man
Although I drink my fill.
Sobriety is a jewel
That I do much adore;
And therefore keep me dancing
Though drunkards lie and snore.
O mind your feet, O mind your feet,
Keep dancing like a wave,
And under every dancer
A dead man in his grave.
No ups and downs, my pretty,
A mermaid, not a punk;
A drunkard is a dead man,
And all dead men are drunk.
-William Butler Yeats.
(I just recently heard an Elvis Costello B-side where he puts that to music.)
And, I suppose the question is "How do I reward myself for this alcoholic abstinence?" Why with a visit to the Mother Isle itself. 200 of my cousins and such are meeting in Limerick for a family reunion in March and hopefully, the hotel doesn't get too mad at us for playing Rugby in the lobby at 3am again.
So, as usual, what am I listening to? Walkmen of course, though I am about to start getting into the irish music pretty heavy.
Reading?: About done with the Bellow's. About to pick up some more Yeats.
Current crush?
Elly Tran Ha. More here. Seriously, how do you put all of that sexy into that cute lil' thing?
And, before I go, a recommendation. Go watch this:
Every year, I start watching Irish films around this time. SO far, this is my new fav.
btw. Talking Heads, so cool