In the past there were two things that I talked about and they have now come together and one completely describes the other.
Remember the girl I dated in highschool and haven't seen and then recently hooked up with? (I know, I know ending a sentence with preposition.)
And do you remember me telling you to listen to a band called the Two Gallants?
Well, I'm gonna include the lyrics for a song that not only describes the character I've become, but especially with the situation w/ the broad from highschool.
Despite What You've Been Told
So, if you flew past those lyrics, go back and re-read them and think of that one first rebounder you were gonna have and how you probably shouldn't have and would be a better person for keeping that higher ground and you didn't like or respect them etc. etc. etc. and so forth. That is the situation between me and the girl. Not just her either. Any of them. The perfect one that ended up just not being right (for no apparent reason), the potential threesome chicks, any of them. Sometimes, a person just needs some time to sort their own shit out and establish an identity before they share it with someone new.
So, the life of a hermit for me? Or do I live the life of a hermit with the advantages of a bachelor? (Do I screw whomever I want but have no emotional attachment to them?) For now, the former. But, I do always have something up my sleeve. (I actually enjoy hermit-ness (?). It adds to the older /wiser image I've already established with most of these people.)
Everything else is going well. I walk almost everyday. An old friend is trying to get me to join a gym with her. I read a lot. I even keep up with the newspaper. So far, the resolutions are going as planned. I haven't worked since the beginning of Dec. but don't worry about me. I'm salary. I'm still getting paid. Helps to be friends with the boss.
Current listening moods: Still Tom Waits. Really getting into Spoon. The new Radiohead is "fucking a" awesome. It made me start listening to Thom Yorke's solo album more.
Current list of movies I want to go see: There Will Be Blood, No Country Fo Old Men, Into The Wild (it's been awhile since I've been to the theaters) and let's see. hmm. I know there are a bunch more but those are the really important ones to me.
Current Crush: Still Scarlett and the chick from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and the chick from Pushing Daises.
And my favorite. Current book. I'm almost done with A Fan's Notes. Haven't decided what is next. Any suggestions? (I only have a hundred books I haven't read yet to choose form.
*I realized that a lot of the lyrics I looked up were wrong. I think I fixed most of them but in case I didn't, sorry
"...Actually, I'm a drinker with writing problems."
Brendan Behan
Yeah that may be me all too well.
Thank you. Its good to have you as part of my crazy online family.