Man, the old lady has been wonderful this week. On Fri., she took me out on a surprise date. Dinner at this cute little Greman restaurant and then to a dress rehersal at the SF Operea. The Opera was very good. It was one of those things that I have never even heard of and was pleasantly surprised. It was called Iphignie en Taurid and had a typical greek story about fathers killing daughters and brothers kiling mothers etc. The music was some of the prettiest I have ever heard. After, It was coffee at one of my favorite places in Oakland where I drink coffee and she puts down all of the artwork hanging on the wall. (She is really good at it.) In general, it was a really nice night.
Last night, she even gave me a "You haven't hung out with your friends in awhile" pass. It was her idea. I was shocked. It was ony beer and pizza but it was a much needed night out with the boys and whatever girls from the second job are brave enough to hang out with us. My little seductress was there with all of her innocent charm. She just doesn't get it does she? Or maybe she gets it only a little to well. Doing things like showing her new tatoo and asking advice on getting her nipples pierced. It's times like there, I wanna quote Weezer:
"First there's rules about old goats like me
Hanging around with chicks like you"
Don't worry, its all playful but damn she's cute.
Oh well, I'm off for coffee and a day at the pool. Have a good Sunday.
Last night, she even gave me a "You haven't hung out with your friends in awhile" pass. It was her idea. I was shocked. It was ony beer and pizza but it was a much needed night out with the boys and whatever girls from the second job are brave enough to hang out with us. My little seductress was there with all of her innocent charm. She just doesn't get it does she? Or maybe she gets it only a little to well. Doing things like showing her new tatoo and asking advice on getting her nipples pierced. It's times like there, I wanna quote Weezer:
"First there's rules about old goats like me
Hanging around with chicks like you"
Don't worry, its all playful but damn she's cute.
Oh well, I'm off for coffee and a day at the pool. Have a good Sunday.
No I haven't. Hmmm.......sounds like I need to do some downloading...