should be sleeping right now but I still have a little adrenaline running through my body. As I mentioned in my last post, Friday and Saturday night was my school's Dance Concert/Recital. It was my first semester being involved with the concert and I'm sad this week has come to an end. It was well worth the long days & nights at rehearsals. & both nights i had supportive family & friends come and watch me dance even though the piece I was in you only see me dance for the last two minutes of it. Next semester I plan on taking more performance classes to continue involvement in the performance aspect of the art I love so much. Its also a very blissful/wonderful/ecstatic feeling to be involved in something that gives your life some kind of meaning again.
I hope everyone has something in there life that they are passionate about & want to continue growing in.
until next time!
flowers that my dear friend kimmy bought for me :]
my fellow classmate and our Middle Eastern teacher, Ms. Sarah Cashmore. One of those lovely teachers that actually helps and inspires you to improve your technique<3

I hope everyone has something in there life that they are passionate about & want to continue growing in.
until next time!

flowers that my dear friend kimmy bought for me :]

my fellow classmate and our Middle Eastern teacher, Ms. Sarah Cashmore. One of those lovely teachers that actually helps and inspires you to improve your technique<3

The best of all possible worlds.