Happy Memorial Day everybody!
I hope everyone is grubbin down on some good food and jumping in all of those swimming pools. I'm waiting on my friend to come to my house so I can run off and do the same. I almost want to grab and camera and take an impromptu photo session somewhere and give you guys a little set just for fun.
Right now I am at my friends house watching a group of people talk about the most random of things. Sex and Violence are always a topic that seems to pop up....heh. speaks something about my friends. I do love them though. They are my neighbor friends. Living at the house i do brings a tight knit group of neighbors. It big party street and it's effin awesome. I'm moving to the west side so I will be a little away from these awesome sex/violence loving friends.
Sad panda
Although...I will still see them. The new house I am going to is going to bring so many new memories and i am stoked to see what's going to happen. My room reminds me of the inside of a tree house in a sense. Shit is DOPE. nuff' said.
OKIE DOKIE folks. I must go. They want me off the computer. LOVE LOVE LOVE <3 you ALL
I hope everyone is grubbin down on some good food and jumping in all of those swimming pools. I'm waiting on my friend to come to my house so I can run off and do the same. I almost want to grab and camera and take an impromptu photo session somewhere and give you guys a little set just for fun.
Right now I am at my friends house watching a group of people talk about the most random of things. Sex and Violence are always a topic that seems to pop up....heh. speaks something about my friends. I do love them though. They are my neighbor friends. Living at the house i do brings a tight knit group of neighbors. It big party street and it's effin awesome. I'm moving to the west side so I will be a little away from these awesome sex/violence loving friends.
Sad panda

Although...I will still see them. The new house I am going to is going to bring so many new memories and i am stoked to see what's going to happen. My room reminds me of the inside of a tree house in a sense. Shit is DOPE. nuff' said.
OKIE DOKIE folks. I must go. They want me off the computer. LOVE LOVE LOVE <3 you ALL

<3 you right back Eyeris