So I have now been labeled a player...I never though I would literally be labeled one. I guess somethings just happen to happen. It sucks because I don't consider myself one. If there is any game to be played I lay out my ground rules, but I guess some guys do have feelings. I just didn't expect this particular person to react the way they did...oh well. singledom is so much better right now. freedom is all I can think about. Who else out there agrees?
You know it's back and forth with me. I think I'm more confused then anything. Half the time I'm happy to be single and free and the other half I wish I had a stable relationship. So I agree, that's fun though 

to me...freedom doesn't stop even when you do find the right person. when you'll probally feel more free than you ever been, and loving the fact that someone is there to share your life with ..but till then..yes. Maximize the singledom! (should be a slogan i think)