Well, I won't be able to afford my SG pittance anymore, so in a couple of weeks I won't be on here anymore If anyone wants to keep in contact with me via regular email, let me know.
classes are awesome...blowing my mind a little, as expected. and all the people i'm meeting here in boulder are blowing my mind too...i've even met some poly folks who have made me feel welcome and understood, so i look forward to all these new possibilities opening up for me!
Classes start tomorrow. Feeling a bit conflicted about it, now that I've had 3 weeks with basically no obligations. I definitely feel bored and lethargic when I'm not out doing something.
I gave my dog a haircut and a bath today and watched bad reality teevee. Who likes the Hogan show? heehe! I'm addicted and I hate it. Also Going Tribal and Celeb Fit and... Read More
i'm overprotective about my sleep as well...i got nine hours last night! my horoscope told me to "turn in early" so i did. that, and i need more six feet under dvds.
mullet people! they look like customers that patron the place that i work...hehe.
next weekend is the "taste of colorado" in denver. it's pretty fun and they have live entertainment and food and stuff if you need a weekend activity.
i have a bike that i never ever ride, just sitting outside attached to the bike rack (hopefully, i haven't checked on it in awhile)...you could borrow it until you can get one from the school. it's a nice bike, i just prefer walking (and i'm a bicycle wimp and it embarasses me ).
Just to share way too much info, I'm starting to ovulate with the full moon, which is kinda cool. The pill sucked and I was on it for 13 years. It really fucks you up! So now my body is balancing itself. I understand that back when people used to live basically outside, most women ovulated with the full... Read More
the ex's name is jason but i think he primarily grew up in northerh kentucky, just born in cincinnati. and now he lives in LA, thus resulting in the demise of that relationship.
we should go hiking or something. i have random weeknights/afternoons off. hopefully this will be a low homework semester.
I'm playing hookey from my school orientation. I hope they don't notice. But I got all the classes I wanted, so I'll be on nights there. Cool. And a job I really want (detox counselor for the county) is open again, offering just the hours I need... things are coming together.
Hello there and welcome to Boulder.....is it everything you thought it would be??
our birthdays are 2 days apart.....
you should come check out the store i work at:
Bart's CD Cellar, it's just off the west end of the Pearl st. mall.....1015 Pearl........i work in the vinyl room upstairs......
that's the cutest little pussy i've ever seen... gotta love tabbies, the best, the best, i've tried the rest... ugh... no more russian blues for me.... they give me the blues...
i think all orientations are horrible. my college orientation terrified me. hopefully school goes well for you...when do you start?
i think i can afford death cab by then also. well...technically i could now, thanks to my friend "credit" but whether i should be able to is another question entirely.
you better be back.