So just after I post about financial responsibility I have my first run-in with check fraud. Someone got a hold of my banking information and passed a bogus electronic check. Luckily, the bank is going to correct it, but in the meantime my account is frozen for two days while they fix things, and when the money goes back in, I will have to close the account and open a new one, because according to my Wachovia customer service representative, once they start selling that information it never stops.
I find theft so offensive.
At least the problem is going to be resolved in a couple of days, and the bright side is that it will keep me from spending even one red cent until my new account is set up.
I find theft so offensive.
At least the problem is going to be resolved in a couple of days, and the bright side is that it will keep me from spending even one red cent until my new account is set up.
p.s. - I was a big Home Movies fan as well.