Ahhhhh fuck. I got nothing to say. Where have I been? Living life. Drinking, fighting, fucking, dying. Hmmmmm. Let's see, highlights...
-Got in another fight, this time pulling out some matrix-style reflex moves. I'm starting to think that I should do something productive with my reflexes...insteed of wasting them. Maybe...JuiJitsu.
-Blew an insane amount of money on dvds...All Family Guys, Futuramas, Mr. Shows, etc. etc.
-Trick or treating with my little brother in Indiana...hanging out with my NEW little brother at the penny arcade and lasertag exstravaganza.
-Christ I don't remember...
Right now I'm drinking MD 20/20 and watching Run Ronnie Run. Good movie featuring one of my favorite lines..."what are you gonna do now? Go to the faggot store and pick up a new mustache?" I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I work for God and that the end of the world is slated for April 4, 2004. I better hone up on my JuiJitsu now before the fight to the end with the hoardes of the undead. I must train...
Breakfast...2 steak taco supremes
Lunch...Ramen noodles (stolen) and a candy bar
Dinner...3 double cheeseburgers (no onions) value fry, 2 bottles of Strawberry Hill Boones Farm (wine, idiot)
Tonight's entertainment...Bill and Ted's Excellent Journey and Bogus Adventure.
Your entertainment...80's slang.
Tubular, bodacious, gnarly, rad (ical), heinous, bitchin', dude, awesome (still apt) ummmmm, SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES! WOOOO!
Also, I just read in the paper about my best friend from Jr. High. Apparently he's in the penn for rolling some 12 year old and taking his Halloween candy, then hitting 2 people with his car, dragging them a block. Me and him where the 'quiet kids'. What's in store for me?...
That was totally non, non non, non non non heinous. You ugly red source of all evil!
-Got in another fight, this time pulling out some matrix-style reflex moves. I'm starting to think that I should do something productive with my reflexes...insteed of wasting them. Maybe...JuiJitsu.
-Blew an insane amount of money on dvds...All Family Guys, Futuramas, Mr. Shows, etc. etc.
-Trick or treating with my little brother in Indiana...hanging out with my NEW little brother at the penny arcade and lasertag exstravaganza.
-Christ I don't remember...
Right now I'm drinking MD 20/20 and watching Run Ronnie Run. Good movie featuring one of my favorite lines..."what are you gonna do now? Go to the faggot store and pick up a new mustache?" I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I work for God and that the end of the world is slated for April 4, 2004. I better hone up on my JuiJitsu now before the fight to the end with the hoardes of the undead. I must train...
Breakfast...2 steak taco supremes
Lunch...Ramen noodles (stolen) and a candy bar
Dinner...3 double cheeseburgers (no onions) value fry, 2 bottles of Strawberry Hill Boones Farm (wine, idiot)
Tonight's entertainment...Bill and Ted's Excellent Journey and Bogus Adventure.
Your entertainment...80's slang.
Tubular, bodacious, gnarly, rad (ical), heinous, bitchin', dude, awesome (still apt) ummmmm, SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES! WOOOO!
Also, I just read in the paper about my best friend from Jr. High. Apparently he's in the penn for rolling some 12 year old and taking his Halloween candy, then hitting 2 people with his car, dragging them a block. Me and him where the 'quiet kids'. What's in store for me?...
That was totally non, non non, non non non heinous. You ugly red source of all evil!
Hell ya famliy guy and tacos! Is there a better combination ?
Jolt cola!!!!!!! I remember that stuff i thought they quit making it cuz it had to much caffine? Hey do you know nick jones cuz you gotta a picture of him? And you live in franklin so do i know you?