So I go to the bar last night and it ends up me and Allen closing down the bar. At the end of the night, it's just me and him and the bartender lady. She knows us good enough now we answer the phone for her when she goes to the can. That's a drinkin' problem. Anyway, the bartender starts giving me free drinks. The result is an all out whiskey taste test. I did shots of every whiskey she had. Then, we went to Marsh where I puked all over the floor. Allen had to drag me home. Somehow, I woke up in total darkness. I thought, well, that's it...I'm dead. I reached up to feal if I'd been buried in a plush coffin, instead I hit a toilet bowl. After a while I deduced I was in my bathroom. Bless that Allen. Then I pass out again. I woke up today by a phone call. It was my girlfriend. She said she was coming over. When she did she had all my stuff. She said she was leaving me cause she found out I was sleeping with another girl before we even started going out again. Unless, she opted, I wished to explain. Carefull on the way out, I said, the step light is out. Then I reitterated. Get the fuck out. So, here I am, single, hungover, and well, the perfect country western song. Welcome to the life of Eyeballkid.

yah for free drinks.. but not for throwing up..
i don't understand.. so you weren't cheating?! and it was before you were together.. so wtf? .. she sounds crazy.. (no offense)
I hope you are ok *hug*
[Edited on Sep 24, 2003]