Rehearsed yesterday for our July 11th gig in Carbondale, IL. Woohoo! If anyone is available and in the area next Friday, come on down to Booby's Beer Garden and watch us crush Carbondale. Should be a good time. You must 19 to enter and 21 to forget.
I'm readying my query letter for my novel to send off to agents. Plus, I'm in the process of writing a new short story called Endless Road to Ruin. I came up with the idea in the shower. WTF? This is the 2nd story idea I've had in the shower...apparently I need to take more showers! HAHAHA
Gotta get back to work next week since July is here, and my time of hanging out working only 1 day a week is officially over. However, I've decided I will NOT work anymore Fridays until school starts again.
It's hotter than Hades here in Illinois this week and I hate the sun...I prefer it to be dreary and cloudy all the time. It's more inspiring for me as a writer...I have trouble writing when it's sunny out. Ugh...So most of my writing happens at night or early in the morning.
Oh yes, almost forgot. July 27th...Summer Slaughter Tour comes to Sauget, IL. Necropolis will be there...watching.
It's going to be a good show and we're looking forward to seeing Vader and Kataklysm for the first time. Should be bad ass...
OK, enough fucking rambling...back to your regularly scheduled programming.......
I'm readying my query letter for my novel to send off to agents. Plus, I'm in the process of writing a new short story called Endless Road to Ruin. I came up with the idea in the shower. WTF? This is the 2nd story idea I've had in the shower...apparently I need to take more showers! HAHAHA
Gotta get back to work next week since July is here, and my time of hanging out working only 1 day a week is officially over. However, I've decided I will NOT work anymore Fridays until school starts again.
It's hotter than Hades here in Illinois this week and I hate the sun...I prefer it to be dreary and cloudy all the time. It's more inspiring for me as a writer...I have trouble writing when it's sunny out. Ugh...So most of my writing happens at night or early in the morning.
Oh yes, almost forgot. July 27th...Summer Slaughter Tour comes to Sauget, IL. Necropolis will be there...watching.
OK, enough fucking rambling...back to your regularly scheduled programming.......