I slept from 4 p.m. to about 1:30 a.m. today. At least I'm inching more towards the night hours for sleeping. I -should- be able to slay up until a respectable hour tonight, and then things should be back on track.

I should be writing part of that paper right now. Instead, I'm being pissed off at my roommate because she's a lying whore.

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slept from 7pm til 2:30am. weird sleep schedules suck. good luck w/ the paper and sorry about the whore roommate.

take care.
Hello insomnia.

Thanksgiving is getting closer and closer. Less than a week til I fly home, and I can't sleep at night for all the random thoughts flying around my mind. I can't shut them off. It's 11 a.m. and I'm still awake. I really just don't understand how it can be so impossible to turn thinking off. So many people around me seem to...
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haha its the same with me, feel welcome to come over and moan with us insomniac over at the sleep disorders board

Just read your McDonalds story, weird stuff, id think the first thing you would do if asked to do this over the phone, is look for the MTV film crew. thanks for bringing this 'jaw dropping' stuff to my attention.

err um happy thanks giving! im from the Uk and don't understand such things
haha yes the sleepy group is a nice place, a good place to moan and zzzzzzzzzz
We officially have an apartment. And a neighbor with a giant TV. Foxtree is a very pretty place. The lady who talked to me was batshit insane, though.

I think I would like to strangle Lauren the next time she says something good about herself. I want to teach that girl some humility. And tact.

Oh hello hunger. That was weird.

Kate is a sleepy...
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Blah. Still kind of sick, but not as sickly as poor Brent.

I am a lazy slob and I know it. The good news is I just showered and did my hair and I feel pretty.

I am hungry like woah and have been playing too much Psychobabble and Bejeweled.
Okay, so I'm sick. At least I know why I've been sleeping 24/7 lately.

Lame, dude! I'm still getting over some fluy type madness myself. I'd say get lots of sleep, but, uh... yeah. Sorry, I got nothin.
Everyone I know has been getting sick lately. Hopefully it will pass me by.
I really have to figure out what my deal is lately. No matter how much I sleep, I'm always exhausted. I napped between all my classes today, came home from my last one, showered, went to dinner, came back, and fell asleep again for about three hours. Rigoddamndiculous.

I have spent WAY too much money in the past two days. Y'all hear? I am not...
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Dude, it's daylight savings. We didn't move!!! Everyone else did, just not us. I think that's why you're so tired all the time, because the world moved without us.
Oh god, it makes so much sense!
Somebody made it into the second stage of applications miao!!
Is the answer Jesus?
I just wanted to add that I'm really diggin' the grey background with the little ghosties on it. Trs mignonne.
I am a firm believer that your most unproductive days are your happiest.

Alicia and I finally rolled our asses out of bed at 3:15 this afternoon. I bounced around the room for a while until we both suddenly decided it was time to make cinnamon rolls. We did, in our shitty little toaster oven (oh noes, contraband reslife equipment!!!), and I made coffee.

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Good luck with the application . . . don't worry about the toaster oven, even though I was an RA, I won't tell anyone! wink