Momentous things are afoot.

I've got an awesome secret and there's no way I can tell you. At least until sometime later. I just thought I'd say. :dance:
I find it insanely funny that people divulge the fact that they know a secret and then take devilish pleasure in watching others squirm to find out. wink C'mon you can tell me. blush
I know your secret. It's a good one.
4:40:37 PM happyextrafox: I miss you lots. I want to have your babies at some point.
4:42:26 PM newyearsunrise: i'm glad
4:42:30 PM newyearsunrise: i was kinda going in that direction
4:42:59 PM happyextrafox: Can we just have one?
4:43:05 PM newyearsunrise: sure
4:43:13 PM happyextrafox: I'd like to spoil her.
4:43:18 PM newyearsunrise: but if it dies or gets lost, you have to make...
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LOL !!! That must have been the best conversation ever!!! I wanna be friends with your boyfriend wink tongue wink
Dave was kinda disturbed by that. But we think it's funny. That's all that matters.
Jesus. Homework, parents, Vegas, everything.

My parents flew me and Lauren out to Vegas Saturday night, where we saw a Cirque du Soleil show all about sex. It was awesome.

They came back here Monday-Tuesday and fed me real food and bought me and my roommate a TV since in the Great Roommate Switch of 2005, we ended up without one.

I am in homework...
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Homework Commandos!!! ROCK, ROCK ON!!! wink
Saw the SG Phoenix show tonight. Holy fucking shit, hott sex overload. Deborah and I ended up at the front pressed up against the stage completely by accident. We got there a bit before doors opened, and wandered toward the stage while everyone else was hanging around the bar. We were sitting for a while before some guy told us to get up. Wah.

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Sounds like a good show, I'm going to see them this weekend in Baltimore. I can't wait.
you're lucky you were up front, couldn't see anything from 7 rows back. and yeah, that venue was lame, standing for 6 hours was no fun. still a good crowd and show though.
I just wrote a really sarcastic editorial for my English assignment. I actually think it'll appeal to Jessica (yeah, the teacher wants us to call her Jessica), but I'm relieved that it's only a rough draft due Friday. I can always rework it later for when the real thing's due.

I put so little time into it because I'm only about a third of the...
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Every time I wrote a paper, I convinced myself (no matter how good it really was) that it was shite. That way even a D made me happy. Unlike my papers, I've got some high expectations for Friday's show. I hope I can find the place. biggrin
the best writing always seems to be re-writing.

A little tip: Starting a paper seems like the most difficult part of the process... looking for that first paragraph or point or whatever that will tie everything together. If you ever find yourself just looking at a blank .doc page trying to figure out what to write and nothing comes (or it comes and then is deleted, rinse, repeat) turn off your monitor. Once the monitor is off, just type what you know for 6 minutes. Whatever you type doesnt have to make sense, it only needs to be related to the subject and you cannot stop typing in the 6 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the monitor back on, do some re-arranging and voila! You just came up with a skeleton and a start.
I spent three hours on the phone tonight with HP tech support. My printer had been complaining about its color ink cartridge since about eleven this morning, and I was annoyed because I need my printer for things. You know, like -printing- and... things. I have a few papers due this Friday, and it's sort of important, n'est pas?

The first dude told me it...
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Yowza! Three hours? Thats fucking lame. Super lame. Lame with a cape, a cowl, an alter ego, and an arch nemisis. I've got a printer you could probably use, but I've never connected it to a macintosh before, so I dunno.
those HP people know shit. i allways end up fixing it all my own any way it's easer some times. lip rings are kool i think there hot, just be your self my mom fliped out when i go my first earing. then the tattoo followed oh man i was so scared but she learnd to like them and i think she wants one now weird huh.
I was talking to Alicia today, and she told me she asked me why I wanted my nipples pierced. I thought for a moment, and said "I can think of a lot of reasons you probably don't want to hear, so let's stick with 'I think they're really hot.'" She looked at me and said, "I could never get anything like that done. I don't...
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Hey, I'm the new group owner for the writer's guild. We're dedicated to workshopping stuff, so this isn't a group you can join and be a passive observer. There are monthly assignments and you have to critique everyone elses work. If you still want in, post a sample of your writing in my journal, anything will do, 1-3 pages in length. Or a few poems if that's your thing.
Ya got a week.
Good deal. There's a september assignment, but you don't have to do it if you don't want, being that the month is almost over. Welcome.