You have to hit rock bottom before you reach the top. And I have to admit, I've been to rock bottom, now I'm ready to be at the top. Exactly where I wana be. I'm so excited to go to boot camp. I never in a million years thought I'd enlist, but now that I have, I have something to look forward to in life. It gives me a sense of purpose.
I'm pretty excited for tomorrow also. More volunteer work at the hospital
I haven't been there in a few days. I miss everyone. It might sound lame to some, but honestly, knowing I helped make someones day even the least bit better makes my day all the more. Seeing kids go through Chemo-Therapy, or going through life with aids or any other sort of illness is pretty heart-breaking. But visiting them, and seeing their faces light up and seeing them grinning ear to ear when they see you coming through the door to play with them or to read to them or to have you simply hold their hand while they're having their blood drawn is the most rewarding thing I can ever ask for. It's shocking to me that people don't help out more often. Whether it's at a hospital, an animal or homeless shelter, etc.
I'm pretty excited for tomorrow also. More volunteer work at the hospital

Love your positive attitude! Congrats on making your way back to the top! Which service did you enlist into? When do you leave for boot camp? Hope T & I can get to know you a little better before you're off.