So I donated blood today at this place I recently started volunteering for. It wasn't until after I was on the verge of passing out and I was seriously chalk white, the woman looks at my paper work and says, "oh, you're anemic?" We can't use your blood. You couldn't tell me that before hand?!?!
And I didn't even get a sticker or anything after. Just an ugly brown Band Aid =( 
Btw, my set is still up for member review. Pleeeease go vote on it if you get the chance. My goal is to go pink
You can either click on the SG symbol in the top left corner and on the front page, if you scroll down it'll show my picture with my name (EXTASY) or you can go to pics and click member review and it will be in there. I need as much help as I can get. Thank you 

Btw, my set is still up for member review. Pleeeease go vote on it if you get the chance. My goal is to go pink

I passed out the one time I gave blood. I got sent to the nurse and got to miss class.
I raced a guy to fill the bag last time. Used a pop bottle as a squeeze ball to get my arm all pumped up. Good times! Got scolded when I told the nurse to take another bag, it makes more room for the alcohol. lmao