Well, only 88% loved my set, so I guess I won't be getting set of the day.... but that's actually okay with me. Reading everyones supportive comments/messages was enough. I just want to thank all of you that took the time to look at my set. I sincerely admire any type of support that comes in. Without you guys, this site wouldn't even be possible. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I can't stop saying that enough. You guys are amazing. All I can say is that I can try again next time. And if I don't succeed, simply try again. I'm so thankful for the ones that took the time out of their day to comment, message, vote, and even if you just simply looked at the set, or a few pictures of the set, it's still greatly appreciated and didn't go unnoticed. So once again, thank you. You guys made my day

Love your eyes!
Hope you're doing well.