It's one a.m. and I am WIRED!
It's been a looong day/night to say the least. I took some Excedrin for a headache then decided to go to bed, upon realizing there's caffeine in Excedrin.... Alot! Which I'm allergic to. So now I'm laying here, wired outta my mind yet fully exhausted listening to my heartbeat racing. Feels like it's gonna pop outta my chest. And I am all out of both my Q var and Albuterol. No bueno.
Despite my caffeine mishap, today was a good day. Now I'm laying here watching 500 days of Summer because it's such a slow and dull movie that it helps keep me calm and tired. Whoever recommended me to buy this movie owes me a refund and 2 hours of my life back. Lol
On the plus side, I did just watch Slum Dog Millionaire. Fairly depressing yet sincerely and truly amazing. Definitely worth 2 hours of my time. I was skeptical at first, but from the second it started, it grasped my attention and kept it. There wasn't one moment where I wanted to look away or zone out. It really made me contemplate my life and reminded me of how lucky and blessed I am to have the life I have and live in the country the I do. Alot of people complain about what they don't have, when there's people out there that would do anything for what you have. Some people don't even have simple things such as clothing or water or shelter and we complain about things like cars, bigger houses, designer goods. We live in a twisted world, that's for sure.
Btw, I really thing the "Category" on these Blog things should have a wider variety of topics to choose from.... Food for thought.
It's been a looong day/night to say the least. I took some Excedrin for a headache then decided to go to bed, upon realizing there's caffeine in Excedrin.... Alot! Which I'm allergic to. So now I'm laying here, wired outta my mind yet fully exhausted listening to my heartbeat racing. Feels like it's gonna pop outta my chest. And I am all out of both my Q var and Albuterol. No bueno.
Despite my caffeine mishap, today was a good day. Now I'm laying here watching 500 days of Summer because it's such a slow and dull movie that it helps keep me calm and tired. Whoever recommended me to buy this movie owes me a refund and 2 hours of my life back. Lol
On the plus side, I did just watch Slum Dog Millionaire. Fairly depressing yet sincerely and truly amazing. Definitely worth 2 hours of my time. I was skeptical at first, but from the second it started, it grasped my attention and kept it. There wasn't one moment where I wanted to look away or zone out. It really made me contemplate my life and reminded me of how lucky and blessed I am to have the life I have and live in the country the I do. Alot of people complain about what they don't have, when there's people out there that would do anything for what you have. Some people don't even have simple things such as clothing or water or shelter and we complain about things like cars, bigger houses, designer goods. We live in a twisted world, that's for sure.
Btw, I really thing the "Category" on these Blog things should have a wider variety of topics to choose from.... Food for thought.

How are you feeling today?

Thanks guys. Today I'm feeling much better. Even went to the beach with some family and friends.... and an ex which was awkward... But besides that, I'm feeling pretty good.