So while I was in one of my pity moods and listening to Coldplay (Yes, I am indeed THAT gay), it finally motivated me to throw away all of my ex's things and everything that reminded me of him. It actually felt pretty good. It felt like everytime I threw an item away, a little part of him was leaving with it.
As I sit here thinking about the whole thing, I still wana breakdown, crawl up in a ball in bed and cry. But I'm not gonna let myself do that. I refuse to stay weak. The heart is the strongest muscle in the body. I'm better than that and I'm better than him. That's what I gotta keep telling myself. There's a million guys out there, and I ended up with that Asshole? What are the odds. But I've been through worse. If I can survive what I've already been through, I sure as Hell can survive this.
Rather than being bitter about this whole thing and wishing him the worst, I'll let karma handle that. Whether it be now or 5 years from now. He'll get his. And I'm not gonna waste my time, energy, tears, and hurt on someone who doesn't deserve it.
Life is a funny thing and everything happens for a reason. And right now, I'm ready

Great attitude, stay strong hun