Thank God it was Daylight Savings today!
I desperately needed that extra hour of sleep. It doesn't seem like much to some people, but I for one did not take it for granted. After a long stressful week of going to Hell and back, I thought I was gonna die of exhaustion. It feels so great to be in my own bed in my own comfort zone and being able to just relax. Even though it's freezing in my room I wouldn't wana be anywhere else right now. I love the feeling of walking in your house knowing you can sit around in your underwear with loads of junk food and not have to give a fuck about anything.... Until the next day, at least.
Anyway..... I was thinking about enlisting in the Army. I know nothing about Politics or what's going on outside my front door, and I can't say I really care either, but the more I think about it, the more I think it'll solve all my problems. I think I'd make a pretty bad-ass Linguistics Interpreter. I'm not use to getting yelled at, or really following orders, or any of the other stuff they do, but I think a little forceful motivation and guidance will be good for me. And I'm stoked for Boot Camp in February. Maybe I'll be the first Suicide Hopeful enlisted. That'd be cool

Anyway..... I was thinking about enlisting in the Army. I know nothing about Politics or what's going on outside my front door, and I can't say I really care either, but the more I think about it, the more I think it'll solve all my problems. I think I'd make a pretty bad-ass Linguistics Interpreter. I'm not use to getting yelled at, or really following orders, or any of the other stuff they do, but I think a little forceful motivation and guidance will be good for me. And I'm stoked for Boot Camp in February. Maybe I'll be the first Suicide Hopeful enlisted. That'd be cool

I'm sure you will make it through boot camp no probs.