I like to run on slick tiled floors, while wearing stilettos. I like it. Or maybe it's just part of my job description these days. Either way, it's fun stuff. Oh, and I haven't wiped out yet either. ... It's going to be fucking funny when I do though!
I got stuck in an elevator today. That was fun. Pushed the Ground button, doors shut, didn't move. Not an inch. My friend and I were in there for about twenty minutes, then the doors opened ever so slowly. Then shut before we could get out. I'm sure my boss was on the phone finding out if they could lower computers into us after the first ten minutes hehe. Needless to say, my day has been absolutely insane.
15 minutes left to my lunch break and I have yet to eat. I'm too exhausted to stand... well, at least until I have to get up to walk back to work.
I'm having zero luck on this money issue. Why is it when I need to save money, all sorts of situations requiring me to spend large amounts of coin arise?
The saying of the day seems to be: "I'm just here for the beer... fuckers."
I couldn't decide which smiley face to use, so I clicked randomly a few times. Enjoy!

I got stuck in an elevator today. That was fun. Pushed the Ground button, doors shut, didn't move. Not an inch. My friend and I were in there for about twenty minutes, then the doors opened ever so slowly. Then shut before we could get out. I'm sure my boss was on the phone finding out if they could lower computers into us after the first ten minutes hehe. Needless to say, my day has been absolutely insane.
15 minutes left to my lunch break and I have yet to eat. I'm too exhausted to stand... well, at least until I have to get up to walk back to work.
I'm having zero luck on this money issue. Why is it when I need to save money, all sorts of situations requiring me to spend large amounts of coin arise?
The saying of the day seems to be: "I'm just here for the beer... fuckers."

I couldn't decide which smiley face to use, so I clicked randomly a few times. Enjoy!
Hey by the way, what's the deal with that house? Do you have it? Where's all the pictures, and stuff? See this is why we need to talk soon, because I have noo idea what's going on with you!
Talk to you soon