Let the sleep deprivation marathon continue...
I always find this point amusing. The point at which the body is completely exhausted. It's actually hard sit up straight and hold my head up (without propping it up that is). My mind is still going like crazy though. I've been reading the boards and stuff all night. Reading magazines, newspapers and poetry. I've been a math machine too... I organized all of my finances.
Does anyone else find it ironic that I work harder with no sleep than I do with proper amounts of sleep?
I always find this point amusing. The point at which the body is completely exhausted. It's actually hard sit up straight and hold my head up (without propping it up that is). My mind is still going like crazy though. I've been reading the boards and stuff all night. Reading magazines, newspapers and poetry. I've been a math machine too... I organized all of my finances.
Does anyone else find it ironic that I work harder with no sleep than I do with proper amounts of sleep?
As for the ol' sandman, well... lets just say its awkward when we pass each other in the hallway. I hear from co-workers that his water cooler talk has all but ceased to exist, and that they hear wimpering occasionaly from his cubicle. Hes a big wuss.
And fine, you convinced me to share. I can't stand being called cruel, although, don't be disapointed, I'm not fortunate enough to own any spiffy couches. A spiffy couch would be nice though. So spiffy.
Warning! May contain nuts.