I'm still excited about this mortgage crap. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to house hunt I go!
So anyone wanna move to Winnipeg and be my house roomie?
There seems to be a food trend in the sets lately... which reminds me, these carrots - so good and so healthy!
Is today really Thursday? The long weekend threw me out of whack.
I love how whenever I beat a guy in a game they always say I cheated or was I was "just lucky". If it was luck, why won't they play me again to prove it? I'll tell you why, it's because I'm so fucking awesome and they know it. HAH!
I crashed hard last night. Slept from 5:45 p.m. right through to this morning.
Today I think I'm gonna go sit down by the river after work. It's kinda nice to just sit around and read by. 'Sides, it's only a two minute walk away heh. Really interesting homeless people always talk to me when I'm down there too, so that's a plus.
I've been on a 50s and 60s music binge lately. Oh how I loves me some oldies... reminds me of getting drunk with my family haha.
The only thing different, the only thing new -
I've got your picture...
She's got you.
Oh Patsy.
Ahahahahahaha I just received a "formal demand" from someone to do a set. That's hilarious.

So anyone wanna move to Winnipeg and be my house roomie?
There seems to be a food trend in the sets lately... which reminds me, these carrots - so good and so healthy!
Is today really Thursday? The long weekend threw me out of whack.
I love how whenever I beat a guy in a game they always say I cheated or was I was "just lucky". If it was luck, why won't they play me again to prove it? I'll tell you why, it's because I'm so fucking awesome and they know it. HAH!
I crashed hard last night. Slept from 5:45 p.m. right through to this morning.
Today I think I'm gonna go sit down by the river after work. It's kinda nice to just sit around and read by. 'Sides, it's only a two minute walk away heh. Really interesting homeless people always talk to me when I'm down there too, so that's a plus.
I've been on a 50s and 60s music binge lately. Oh how I loves me some oldies... reminds me of getting drunk with my family haha.
The only thing different, the only thing new -
I've got your picture...
She's got you.
Oh Patsy.

Ahahahahahaha I just received a "formal demand" from someone to do a set. That's hilarious.
haha i wish. so help me
(nothign to do with you really is it?
mm food
hey you might actually beat me. im so outta practice lately
haha but ill give you a hell of a run for yer money and many many rematches cus im woefully stubborn and love my videogames
it is hilerious. but i so cant blame them for trying
now that song is ringing in MY head <3
and mmmm food.
and now i want booze too hehe
my cats woke me up at 1:20 this morning... yay....
i'm holding miss kitty with one arm. playing footwar with dingo with the other and writing at the same time...
multi tasking is a bitch...
winnipeg huh... sounds fun... hope you get a cool roomie and not a jag off.
i'll keep the digits crossed for you...