Top 5 favourite places I've been:
1. Dauphin. Yes it's small, yes it's boring, but I love it so!
2. Toronto. I need to go back.
3. Winnipeg. Hey, it's home.
4. Calgary.
5. Viva Las Vegas.
Top 5 I want to see... err, there's only one general answer:
1. Anywhere outside of North America. Anyone care to help me out with this one?
Canada Day was uneventful for me. Downtown was so crowded, there was NO parking anywhere near my apartment. Jerks. So I avoided all festivities, pretty much anyway. I did manage to steal a flag out of some girl's butt crack. That was exciting.
I am not a fan of Nacho Cheese Bugles. They kill the Bugle flavour.
I will now resume sitting around naked, playing Neopets, while eating these horrid Bugles.
1. Dauphin. Yes it's small, yes it's boring, but I love it so!
2. Toronto. I need to go back.
3. Winnipeg. Hey, it's home.
4. Calgary.
5. Viva Las Vegas.
Top 5 I want to see... err, there's only one general answer:
1. Anywhere outside of North America. Anyone care to help me out with this one?
Canada Day was uneventful for me. Downtown was so crowded, there was NO parking anywhere near my apartment. Jerks. So I avoided all festivities, pretty much anyway. I did manage to steal a flag out of some girl's butt crack. That was exciting.
I am not a fan of Nacho Cheese Bugles. They kill the Bugle flavour.
I will now resume sitting around naked, playing Neopets, while eating these horrid Bugles.
not to sound all concided and stuff, cuz i can't even spell that word
But i could help you find a awsome country to vist, i been to 35 of them, and i really want to go back and see old friends i'v made there. But i'v been like no where in canada so that sucks.

I also like eating flags out of horrid naked Neopets cracks too, but I'm already in Toronto so I don't need to go there.