I think I have a wee bit of a medical issue goin' on.
My eye is swollen. Yesterday when I woke up it was a little bit swollen on the bottom lid right by my eyelashes, but I figured it was probably from the lack of sleep - no sleep since last Sunday could do that, right? So anyway, I thought nothing of it.
Today, it's worse. It's gone down a bit since I first woke up because I've been icing it on and off to attempt to bring down some swelling.
It also really, really hurts and makes it hard to blink. What the hell is wrong with my eye?!
I'm going to see if the swelling goes away by tomorrow, but if not, then I guess I'll have to go to a walk-in or something and get it checked out.
I need to stop drinking. I don't drink often, unless I go to the bar, which normall is once a week at the most. But when I do drink, I drink too much and I really despise hangovers.
I hung out with "high school friends" last night. One of their parents is going through a horrid separation right now. I hate that everyone feels a need to tell someone "it will be okay" when someone is going through something awful like that, because really, let's face it, it won't be okay. It's never "okay". It's going to be horrible and miserable. Eventually life will adjust to the change and seem to become normal again, but it still won't be okay.
I've become a bitter person.
Weather went back to gloomy today. Yesterday was the first bit of sunshine in a long time. I want to live a life in warm sunshine.
Won't you be? Please, won't be my neighbor?

My eye is swollen. Yesterday when I woke up it was a little bit swollen on the bottom lid right by my eyelashes, but I figured it was probably from the lack of sleep - no sleep since last Sunday could do that, right? So anyway, I thought nothing of it.
Today, it's worse. It's gone down a bit since I first woke up because I've been icing it on and off to attempt to bring down some swelling.

It also really, really hurts and makes it hard to blink. What the hell is wrong with my eye?!
I'm going to see if the swelling goes away by tomorrow, but if not, then I guess I'll have to go to a walk-in or something and get it checked out.
I need to stop drinking. I don't drink often, unless I go to the bar, which normall is once a week at the most. But when I do drink, I drink too much and I really despise hangovers.

I hung out with "high school friends" last night. One of their parents is going through a horrid separation right now. I hate that everyone feels a need to tell someone "it will be okay" when someone is going through something awful like that, because really, let's face it, it won't be okay. It's never "okay". It's going to be horrible and miserable. Eventually life will adjust to the change and seem to become normal again, but it still won't be okay.
I've become a bitter person.
Weather went back to gloomy today. Yesterday was the first bit of sunshine in a long time. I want to live a life in warm sunshine.
Won't you be? Please, won't be my neighbor?

and hopefully its a lack of moisture or something and nothing too serious.
you're sadly right.
it isnt ever ok, well unless theres mutual hate involved between the kid and at least one parent. in which case asta la vista why the hell didnt mother/father do this MUCH sooner.
but all in all it always sucks and never stops hurting really.
i really cant stand heat very much.....
i live in the wrong place honestly.