I seem to have been living in a void. A void without a computer. Lame.
My new power supply is on the way as we speak. Come on UPS.
Nothing wails happiness like a comfy couch, Michelina's Pasta Bowl, me 'n' my Surface magazine. *swoon*
So, what's new? I'm sure I should have something else to write... something must have occured recently in my life. Hm. Nothing. I draw a blank.
One of my cats seems to think my navel ring is a toy.
Winnipeg is fucking gorgeous right now. Sun shining, warm, lovely.
I think I shall venture outdoors!
P.S. If you buy me two red Panton chairs I will love you forever.
My new power supply is on the way as we speak. Come on UPS.
Nothing wails happiness like a comfy couch, Michelina's Pasta Bowl, me 'n' my Surface magazine. *swoon*
So, what's new? I'm sure I should have something else to write... something must have occured recently in my life. Hm. Nothing. I draw a blank.
One of my cats seems to think my navel ring is a toy.

Winnipeg is fucking gorgeous right now. Sun shining, warm, lovely.
I think I shall venture outdoors!
P.S. If you buy me two red Panton chairs I will love you forever.

At least with the computer not working it gave you a chance to get away from the internet for awhile.
hey what you doing tonight