I have become a machine.
I work while at "work". I work while at home. I work during my lunch "break". I work in my sleep - because I do not sleep. Work, work, work.
I'm tired. It seems the days are growing longer.
Finances make my head spin - very, very fast. I met with my financial advisor today for lunch... I think I became lost somewhere between my fetuccini alfredo and mutual funds. I think I'm figuring things out on my own though. According to my father and my mom's boyfriend (both avid investors), I've already made the right decisions with my money so far. Now I'm yearning to have a little more fun with higher risk investments - stock market here I come.
I need a new group of friends apart from my current groups of friends.
I've realized all of my current friends and acquaintences have no interest in financials, politics, arts, science... it's upsetting. Each time I raise an issue which falls under one of those categories they change the subject immediately. For example, today I was with my best friend driving out to her place when I brought up the fact that I'm starting to want kids (possibly due to the unbelieveable number of my coworkers having babies and me loving the hell out of those little poop machines). She replied with "I need to fix that noise my car is making." Me - "Yeah. Car noises suck. Fuck noise." The conversation ended right there. Dead silence for five minutes.
Arg. I'm a dork. For real. When did I become this way? I sometimes wonder if I'm even fun to hang around anymore... but I assume I must be since my friends keep asking me to go out with them all sorts of places. Anyone else ever feel this way? Self-reflection is such an odd thing.
Erg. It's later than I thought it was. Tweeeeeeeeeeeaked.
Someone let me visit them - come on, I'm nice and I don't smell bad! I really need a vacation.

I work while at "work". I work while at home. I work during my lunch "break". I work in my sleep - because I do not sleep. Work, work, work.
I'm tired. It seems the days are growing longer.
Finances make my head spin - very, very fast. I met with my financial advisor today for lunch... I think I became lost somewhere between my fetuccini alfredo and mutual funds. I think I'm figuring things out on my own though. According to my father and my mom's boyfriend (both avid investors), I've already made the right decisions with my money so far. Now I'm yearning to have a little more fun with higher risk investments - stock market here I come.
I need a new group of friends apart from my current groups of friends.

Arg. I'm a dork. For real. When did I become this way? I sometimes wonder if I'm even fun to hang around anymore... but I assume I must be since my friends keep asking me to go out with them all sorts of places. Anyone else ever feel this way? Self-reflection is such an odd thing.
Erg. It's later than I thought it was. Tweeeeeeeeeeeaked.
Someone let me visit them - come on, I'm nice and I don't smell bad! I really need a vacation.

It's weird how interests change (evolve?). I think the thing I miss about living with other grad students was sitting around the living room discussing world events for hours. It sounds really lame , but was awesome. I guess it's just a matter of being around people with similar interests.