Hallucination - I see with my eyes
But my heart's telling me lies
Why do I fantisize?
Lyrics tidbit. Good stuff.
So... I really have nothing to write. Total blank.
I think I cause arguements too often. I don't mean to cause arguements over the things I question or raise concern about... I really don't. Maybe I should learn to bite my tongue and hope the troubles will fix themselves given time. Maybe not? Arg. Perhaps it's the way I bring these things up with the other person? Or could it be they are things the other person just wishes were never brought up even though they are bothered by the same things? Too many questions needing answers that I cannot find. Hide and seek never was a favourite game of mine.
What to do... what to do... sleep? Sleep might be good, if possible. I may raise the issue of sleep, or lack thereof, with my doctor tomorrow. I just don't want to go for more blood tests and crap. I need what precious blood I have damn it, soon it may be tapped out.
Anyone have a 4' x 4' pine sheet laying around that they aren't using? If so, let me know.
I'm rambling via text tonight. Just tell me to shut up. Or tape my mouth shut. Or... something.
I still have yet to make out. Now I want / need more. The pressure is rising. I may explode any minute now. Run. RUN!
Okay I'm going to try to sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to read through all of the comments I've received lately and respond to as many as I can. As well I shall comment in people's journals. This is my plan.
(I enjoy that kissy face far too much.)
But my heart's telling me lies
Why do I fantisize?
Lyrics tidbit. Good stuff.
So... I really have nothing to write. Total blank.

I think I cause arguements too often. I don't mean to cause arguements over the things I question or raise concern about... I really don't. Maybe I should learn to bite my tongue and hope the troubles will fix themselves given time. Maybe not? Arg. Perhaps it's the way I bring these things up with the other person? Or could it be they are things the other person just wishes were never brought up even though they are bothered by the same things? Too many questions needing answers that I cannot find. Hide and seek never was a favourite game of mine.
What to do... what to do... sleep? Sleep might be good, if possible. I may raise the issue of sleep, or lack thereof, with my doctor tomorrow. I just don't want to go for more blood tests and crap. I need what precious blood I have damn it, soon it may be tapped out.
Anyone have a 4' x 4' pine sheet laying around that they aren't using? If so, let me know.

I'm rambling via text tonight. Just tell me to shut up. Or tape my mouth shut. Or... something.
I still have yet to make out. Now I want / need more. The pressure is rising. I may explode any minute now. Run. RUN!
Okay I'm going to try to sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to read through all of the comments I've received lately and respond to as many as I can. As well I shall comment in people's journals. This is my plan.

so arguing is good... not violently... but the odd raised voice shows passion as long as it is not done arrogantly, ignorantly or childishly
you'll find the answers, like anything, if you look in the right place. and hide and seek is fun... where would be the fun if every time you had a question the answer was just dropped in your lap... would take the wonder, consideration, contemplation, adventure and exploration out of life...
sleep ould be good... although im no one to talk about that... im lucky if i get 4 hours a nite at the moment... but then i used to only get 6 a nite anyway, is what i'm used to... but losing those additional 2 hours is definitely having an effect...
no blood tests for me... simple fact is... the doctor will send you for all the tests under the sun... regardless of whether you actually need them or not... why... he needs to cover his arse... he cant have you suing him because he didnt send you for the right test... so he sends you for all of them regardless
no pine sheet im affraid
i always ramble, text, vocal, visually, ramble, ramble, ramble... thats me
pop over here... we'll make out... and if you're not digging me theres always my girlie for you to make out with instead, imsure she'd be more than willing
maybe see you in my journal... maybe not... either way is fine
i am so surprised that you have not found someone to make out with... you are way to cute to have that problem...
the darkness... feel it clutch you... yearning for you... kissing you... its tongue, midnight white... sliding accross your lips... down your neck... enveloping your senses till you are no longer you... you gasp for the air that it gives you... the breath... life, you feel it's mist rise on you like a thousand hands... pressing and pulling... carressing your mind; body and soul... until unentwined, the night leaves you alone... encased in the glow of the early morning fog.
i hope the doctors find something that can be done to help you tomorrow... i don't like that you can't get sleep, and i'm betting you like it even less. although sometimes i wish i had your problem, but only for a day or two... so i could get more done...
hey... guess who's getting satalite internet...? c'mon guess.