Ok it's a few hours later and I feel like typing something. Something brief. But what?
I need to get my shit together. Gather my shattered thoughts. I haven't worked on my website in far too long. Must commence work immediately. Not immediately - dinner with my dad and step mom tonight. My dad is going to do my taxes for me. So happy I could shit. He just finished his yesterday, they have to pay $37,000.00 this year - never complain that you don't make enough money, when you do, you owe it all to the government in one way or another. It is kinda sick though... they have to pay more in taxes than I make in a year. Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhbuh.
Fructose. I love that word.
Alright I'm going to get some shit done on my new fandangled website... I'm starting over from scratch. Smart idea? Probably not.
happy valentines day sexy

Who would believe me if I said my dad and step mother are truckers? That is the truth. They work very hard, and it pays off.