Got a new kitten. Squeekz. Cost me $150 dollah. But it was worth it... she's a Russian Blue cross. Her fur is silver and blue with some peach and white patching - crazy uber soft. She's only 7 weeks old right now so she makes my other cat look like a giant (normally she looks like a dwarf compared to other cats). The cats are getting along - relief. Squeekz seems to think Poufta is her mother.. Pouf doesn't seem to mind, I think she's enjoying the company... she seemed really lonely lately seeing as my lil' boy was put down. For the record I am aware that I have strange names for pets. I used to have a cat named Moopa, two hamsters - one named Moo, the other named Spaztastic (Spaz for short), and many more! Can't wait to name kids one day mwuahaha.
Celebrating ye ol' birthday this coming weekend. My friends are teh sux - half of them aren't coming. But whatever, I'll just have to enjoy the company that does show up. Anyways, I love my friends, even if they are teh sux.
Soy cansado. Gastado. Usado. Agotado. Feliz. I've been having lots of fun with language translators lately. It's becoming habitual.
Go outside. Have fun. Enjoy life to the MAX!
Did I ever tell you guys I was once known as "Imaximus"? That's right. I worked at Imax and was Imaximus the Super Imax Employee! My other friends were Princess Popcorn and Super Mop. I think they put drugs in their soft drinks.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Got a new kitten. Squeekz. Cost me $150 dollah. But it was worth it... she's a Russian Blue cross. Her fur is silver and blue with some peach and white patching - crazy uber soft. She's only 7 weeks old right now so she makes my other cat look like a giant (normally she looks like a dwarf compared to other cats). The cats are getting along - relief. Squeekz seems to think Poufta is her mother.. Pouf doesn't seem to mind, I think she's enjoying the company... she seemed really lonely lately seeing as my lil' boy was put down. For the record I am aware that I have strange names for pets. I used to have a cat named Moopa, two hamsters - one named Moo, the other named Spaztastic (Spaz for short), and many more! Can't wait to name kids one day mwuahaha.
Celebrating ye ol' birthday this coming weekend. My friends are teh sux - half of them aren't coming. But whatever, I'll just have to enjoy the company that does show up. Anyways, I love my friends, even if they are teh sux.

Soy cansado. Gastado. Usado. Agotado. Feliz. I've been having lots of fun with language translators lately. It's becoming habitual.
Go outside. Have fun. Enjoy life to the MAX!
Did I ever tell you guys I was once known as "Imaximus"? That's right. I worked at Imax and was Imaximus the Super Imax Employee! My other friends were Princess Popcorn and Super Mop. I think they put drugs in their soft drinks.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday sexy mumma
happy birthday to you
i'll try and come along if i can... depends if i can the flight is included in to the price of the bus fare to my local town... if so... i'll see you at the wekend
if not... enjoy
birthday hugs coming your way