Yay work. The partners of the firm are donating $10,000.00 to the Tsunami victims - which rocks seeing as the government is going to match donations or something. So $20,000.00. Plus for every dollar that associates, juniors and support staff donate, they're going to donate $4.00, which will also be matched by the government. Our receptionist's husband is also going to donate $15,000.00! I know some of you are gonna be all "yeah whatever, it's a tax write-off for them that's why." But that isn't how these people work. The lawyers I work with are actually really cool and decent people... shocking I know. A lot of them coach little league sports, donate tons of money to the Humane Society, and more. I would like to think that one day if I was wealthy I would be that generous. I am never quitting my job.

I wondered, hey, what's up with this humongous calamity and now I believe it is bringing the best out of humanity. Sometimes, I suppose, this is what it takes.
Now, if we could end violence here in the USA. Bye