Tired fuck. My brain is liquified. The lights are hurting my eyes and making me squint. Lame.
Being skinny sucks in the winter. I can't stay warm when outside, and once I'm inside I can't warm up period. Oh woe.
I'm going to become a long underwear super hero.
Tomorrow afternoon is going to be fun. Everyone in the office is going up to the 11th floor (10th and 11th.. and soon 9th are occupied by my work) to get liquored. Hah "work" - I love it.
Being skinny sucks in the winter. I can't stay warm when outside, and once I'm inside I can't warm up period. Oh woe.
I'm going to become a long underwear super hero.
Tomorrow afternoon is going to be fun. Everyone in the office is going up to the 11th floor (10th and 11th.. and soon 9th are occupied by my work) to get liquored. Hah "work" - I love it.
I wrote a big long response and then *poof* like magic... it didn't wanna post. So lame.
Flattery is fun stuff though. I like flattering those who take it well. People like myself who shy away from compliments and flirty behavior must bore people.
And my work is hiring haha! It's corporate whoring for two associate lawyers, in other words...
Insomnia rules. Sometimes I wonder if I should use prescriptions to attempt to make it go away though. I don't honestly recall any good results from when I did that though.
Check it out - reading materials!
That's a link to a description of my old sleeping drug. Though I note now a possible side effect when taking it is insomnia! My doctor must be on teh crack. I'm baffled. Just for the record I'm not depressed (and yes I do recall just the other night how sad I was feeling so hush). Anyone know a good doctor? I think I need a new one.