Yesterday I had rented an uber big moving van to assist in my friend's move. This morning at 12:09 a.m., while I was sitting in the van waiting for someone, a guy slammed right into van. He was parking (illegally) in front of the space I was in and slammed right into front end of the van. It was like he didn't even see it. Completely blind to a huge van.
He didn't apologize. He didn't ask if I was okay. He didn't even check if there was damage to his own vehicle, let alone the rental van. He simply shut off his vehicle, locked it up and proceeded to walk towards his apartment block. It was extremely strange. Guess he likes to hit other cars while parking illegally on a regular basis. - shrugs -
Fortunately I took the $14.00 insurance on the van, otherwise I'd be stuck with an autopac deductible.
What a fucker.
He didn't apologize. He didn't ask if I was okay. He didn't even check if there was damage to his own vehicle, let alone the rental van. He simply shut off his vehicle, locked it up and proceeded to walk towards his apartment block. It was extremely strange. Guess he likes to hit other cars while parking illegally on a regular basis. - shrugs -
Fortunately I took the $14.00 insurance on the van, otherwise I'd be stuck with an autopac deductible.
What a fucker.
There's a great story about a time a women in a Lexus SUV backed out of a spot in front of my old work while my manager was out for a smoke. She backed right up onto the front-side panel of the car, then just took off tearing the panel half off as she came down of it.
My manager wrote down the license plate and make of the car, and found the owner of the damaged car. He called the cops, and the cops came in a couple days later saying that the woman had not only denied she did it, but denied that she was even at the store.
We told them that not only do we have video cameras at the doors, but (it's a Blockbuster) we have her account on the computer and can tell exactly what time she rented and left. The times matched perfectly with the time of the accident, of course.
The police then said they couldn't find damage on the Lexus. We told them how it went right up on the car, and that the back of the Lexus is curved, and any damage or paint transfer is likely underneath the car (where the cops didn't look). We said to let us know if we could do anything more.
We never heard back, so some dumbass woman out there probably got charged for hit and run and possibly obstruction of justice.
Good thing you're ok though. You never know how things can turn out the way some people are.
[Edited on Nov 08, 2005 10:48PM]