If you watch one film this year about a female ex-Army Ranger who goes camping with her policeman husband, stumbles upon the hideout of a bunch of hillbilly drug cartel/weapons & sex slave traffickers who kill her husband but she escapes, tracks them down and kills all of them mostly by hand to hand combat... well, a trashy b-movie, with well-choreographed fight scenes that could
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A podcast leads me to a Wikipedia search and then that article leads to several other articles, so in the past 24 hours I’ve learned about:

Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism, accelerationism, the Marxist immiseration thesis, Acid Communism and… hauntology!

What is hauntology?


Really enjoyed this new documentary about the great photographer. I didn't know much about his early life in Berlin and how he escaped in 1938. Did not know that he began as an assistant to Yva, one of the first fashion photographers, a brilliant woman who died in a concentration camp. Love the clip of Susan Sontag, speaking in French on a TV show, telling...
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Believe it or not, this is my happy face!

Looks like you had a blast!

Even though I was not a huge fan of the Go-Go's I really enjoyed the new documentary about them on Showtime!


Made homemade cole slaw for the first time today. I used red and green cabbage, carrots (I'm not very good at shredding them so I cut them up finely), mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, mustard, parsley, salt and pepper. Recipe also called for Celery Seeds but I couldn't find them in my store. Letting it soften just a bit in the fridge. Looking forward to eating...
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I've been a student of dreams for many years. Recently I was looking at a few books that claim to be "Dream Dictionaries" (alphabetical list of dream topics and what they mean) and found them to be quite inaccurate. So I am writing my own book. Here are a couple of example entries from my forthcoming "Guide to Dreams and Herbal Remedies."


I was just thinking of SG Stormy who I met in NYC in 2005 or 6 when she was staying with friends here. She was in the first SG Burlesque tour and DVD. She was funny, wild, charismatic. And then I did a search and it turns out she died in 2015 at age 30 in Portland. She was one of the first SG models...
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Oh man :( RIP πŸ–€

Name the novel in which this denomination of money is a plot point: