Two friends and I are creating a new website devoted to the art, culture and business of porn. It's a free site. It will never be a membership site. We have affiliate links and banners but we probably won't make much money and if we do we'll be able to start paying ourselves and our contributors. We welcome submissions about the history of porn, about the discourses of porn (how to review a porn film or scene), new trends in porn (porn stars and alt-bro influencer podcasts, for example). We want to cover all types of porn: straight, gay, trans, etc. We are open to everything from Marxist and feminist approaches to irreverent humor as long as it is respectful of the performers and people who make porn. You can preview the look of the site and a few articles at but it won't launch until January 2022. You can use an alias for your work if you like. As I said, we can't pay for articles now but if you are good enough for us to publish you may be able to use your byline to get interviews with artists in the world of porn, get free downloads or sex toys for reviewing (we will try to help you with this), you may even get famous! Give our site a look and let us know what you think! Send submissions to