My roommate ad has the same headline as this blog post and yet I keep getting responses from people who didn't catch that it is just for the summer! (My regular roomie is away during college summer vacation.) Semi-private (railroad apartment) but only $400 a month for three months. Details here
My 2021 journals complete! 8 1/2 x 11 x 7 inches! 7 inches deep!
Please let me know what you think! Suggest any performers or topics you'd like to see covered. This is a free site.
Read my new article about the phenomenon: (Alex Karina is one of my many aliases)
Two friends and I are creating a new website devoted to the art, culture and business of porn. It's a free site. It will never be a membership site. We have affiliate links and banners but we probably won't make much money and if we do we'll be able to start paying ourselves and our contributors. We welcome submissions about the history of porn, about...
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At one point in Part 3 of "The Beatles: Get Back" John Lennon demonstrates a musical toy he bought after seeing it on television: the Stylophone. These were reissued recently and I bought one last year after seeing it in a shop on my block.
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Sometimes instead of watching a movie, I’ll go to YouTube and watch good lectures or video essays. But last night I stumbled into watching two random videos that were suggested for me. The first one was from a YouTube channel called “Scratch off or Die.” This man buys scratch offs and scratches them off in real time. In this episode he purchased an entire packet...
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Just went on a Wikipedia rabbit hole search trying to understand a type of abstract day dream I am able to induce in which phosphenes and other closed eye visualizations are interpreted erroneously by my mind to be certain objects and beings and then morph into other objects and beings as my mind attempts to correct the interpretation. I have tried to WILL visual interpretations...
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If you watch one film this year about a female ex-Army Ranger who goes camping with her policeman husband, stumbles upon the hideout of a bunch of hillbilly drug cartel/weapons & sex slave traffickers who kill her husband but she escapes, tracks them down and kills all of them mostly by hand to hand combat... well, a trashy b-movie, with well-choreographed fight scenes that could
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A podcast leads me to a Wikipedia search and then that article leads to several other articles, so in the past 24 hours I’ve learned about:
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism, accelerationism, the Marxist immiseration thesis, Acid Communism and… hauntology!