So the birthday party was GREAT! I had lots of fun... my house was packed with people you couldn't even move... my crazy neighbor got all mad at us.... didn't really care at the moment... then I felt kinda guilty... but what the hell...we're pretty quiet all the time....
here's one pic from the birthday... I look really drunk... but well... I was really drunk that night... I made vodka jello shots... and friend Paulina just went by passing out the apple "magic apple" if you don't know what the magic apple is... well here's a hint... magic apples produce some smelly smoke hahahaha!!!
that's Danny's friend, Me!!! and my cute friend Danny.... he made me a special CD with some birthday songs yay!
I had to cut off from the picture my roomate.... I kinda hate her lately... well... I've pretty much hated her ever since we started living together she just drives me insane... and makes me want to kill her.... honestly... sometimes i just want to crash her head to the nearest window or something, plus she's lazy, and never does anything around the house and then says... oh my god roomie i'm sorry I love you with her im a stupid little brat face... god i want to kill her! I've been thinking about kicking her out.... i'm not that big of a bitch though... I can be really bitchy if I get pissed off... but it takes a lot to really get me mad... and she got it!
anyways... i don't want to talk about this shit around here... it's boring and i don't want to bore you guys
you make my life so much happier!!!!
hopefully I'll get some more pics later on this weekend and I'll post them for you to see how drunk we were!
lots of love
here's one pic from the birthday... I look really drunk... but well... I was really drunk that night... I made vodka jello shots... and friend Paulina just went by passing out the apple "magic apple" if you don't know what the magic apple is... well here's a hint... magic apples produce some smelly smoke hahahaha!!!

that's Danny's friend, Me!!! and my cute friend Danny.... he made me a special CD with some birthday songs yay!
I had to cut off from the picture my roomate.... I kinda hate her lately... well... I've pretty much hated her ever since we started living together she just drives me insane... and makes me want to kill her.... honestly... sometimes i just want to crash her head to the nearest window or something, plus she's lazy, and never does anything around the house and then says... oh my god roomie i'm sorry I love you with her im a stupid little brat face... god i want to kill her! I've been thinking about kicking her out.... i'm not that big of a bitch though... I can be really bitchy if I get pissed off... but it takes a lot to really get me mad... and she got it!
anyways... i don't want to talk about this shit around here... it's boring and i don't want to bore you guys

hopefully I'll get some more pics later on this weekend and I'll post them for you to see how drunk we were!
lots of love

I can't believe I didn't leave a ton of messages here about how hot you are, even when you're drunk off your ass.
I'm glad you had a good time and made jello shots, lady.
I'm afraid I'm rambling. i've been up all night with the rock band that I know and I'm seeing double. Will return when I can string a sentence together.
take it easy