very happy post....
BABEL and Salma Hayek....
Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu, Mexican fillmaker, director of Babel
Salma Hayek (if you don't know her is the hot woman in the white dress) Mexican Actrees, now also somehow an activist for women's rights and all...
they both won golden globes... as a film student, I probably should despise the Golden Globes and the Oscars but... the thing is, I do believe it is important to get some kind of "award" if you did something good... I hate it when mexican people say things like... well... it wasn't even that good or something... I think it's because they're jealous and envious of people who really make it out there, I mean I'm pretty realistic, and Mexican filmmakers that actually make films... are the ones that go away from Mexico, we don't have a real industry here and I'm more than happy to see that they're really making it out there... gives me hope... while other people spend most of their lives here.... complaining about goverment not giving them the funds to make films and hardly even make 2 films in their whole life and live bitter and angry with the world... this guys (Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu, Guillermo del Toro, Emanuel Lubezki and Alfonso Cuarn) are so much younger and have lots more films than most mexican filmmakers and i dare to say they're good films...
My teacher for "History of Mexican films" told us one day, we need to support mexican films because they're quality films, because they're good films... not just because they're mexican... I totally agree... there are some people at my school who won't work doing commercials because it means that you're becoming a film whore or something like that and they think it'll means you're being a traitor because you make big bucks out of publicity, but what they don't understand is that is not that you do it because you want to... you do it because it pays rent and life and it's a chance to get real life experience and most of the time a chance to work in 35mm while you finally get the chance to make your film... they're all hippies to me hehe... i want to be an amazing filmmaker that you'll die to see my films and wait for them and all that jazz.... hehe... ok that's it...
happy and long post... and i'm sleepy got up really early this morning and haven't had any breakfast yet... so if none of the things i wrote makes any sense... blame low sugar in my blood plus brain numbness from getting up so early

Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu, Mexican fillmaker, director of Babel

Salma Hayek (if you don't know her is the hot woman in the white dress) Mexican Actrees, now also somehow an activist for women's rights and all...

they both won golden globes... as a film student, I probably should despise the Golden Globes and the Oscars but... the thing is, I do believe it is important to get some kind of "award" if you did something good... I hate it when mexican people say things like... well... it wasn't even that good or something... I think it's because they're jealous and envious of people who really make it out there, I mean I'm pretty realistic, and Mexican filmmakers that actually make films... are the ones that go away from Mexico, we don't have a real industry here and I'm more than happy to see that they're really making it out there... gives me hope... while other people spend most of their lives here.... complaining about goverment not giving them the funds to make films and hardly even make 2 films in their whole life and live bitter and angry with the world... this guys (Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu, Guillermo del Toro, Emanuel Lubezki and Alfonso Cuarn) are so much younger and have lots more films than most mexican filmmakers and i dare to say they're good films...
My teacher for "History of Mexican films" told us one day, we need to support mexican films because they're quality films, because they're good films... not just because they're mexican... I totally agree... there are some people at my school who won't work doing commercials because it means that you're becoming a film whore or something like that and they think it'll means you're being a traitor because you make big bucks out of publicity, but what they don't understand is that is not that you do it because you want to... you do it because it pays rent and life and it's a chance to get real life experience and most of the time a chance to work in 35mm while you finally get the chance to make your film... they're all hippies to me hehe... i want to be an amazing filmmaker that you'll die to see my films and wait for them and all that jazz.... hehe... ok that's it...
happy and long post... and i'm sleepy got up really early this morning and haven't had any breakfast yet... so if none of the things i wrote makes any sense... blame low sugar in my blood plus brain numbness from getting up so early

Just kidding. it's not like Rocky Balboa was gonna be good, I just went for the nostalgia. You can't go see the first two and not call them great. That being said, it wasn't an even remotely good movie. It was just fun. And goosebumpy exciting to hear that song.